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Coming Soon......

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Next week we will be bringing you two fantastic new competitions! One will be a new weekly comp that will take place every wednesday! Im sure you know by now that we are not going to just tell you, that would be too easy
So we are going to keep you in suspense! So until then, watch this space! I will be dropping clues every now and then lol

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Gaiamaiden wrote:
the first clue.....

"For the new weekly comp, you will have to have good eyes!"

lol I guess I've already lost that one Laughing

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oh, My! oh, my! I need to sharpen my eye's now as preparation for the weekly comp. !!!

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okay for the other suprise competition, here is your first clue.....

"Somebody has lost something......"

thats the only clue im giving for now lol

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so someone lost something and we have to find it... is it in a room??? or a pic??? or what??? or am i wrong?????

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sinenomine wrote:
I am nearsighted -- now I am worried
Ready for looking things :wassat2:


you found the perfect emoticon!!!!! :wassat2:

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One of the new comps has been posted......
CLICK HERE to see how keen your eye site really :35: is... 8) 8)

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