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Grr...Chest change

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Have you noticed that now when you get a new item, say something you already have like the "crystals in a jar", when you open your chest is shows just the one crystals in a jar"crystals in a jar", and not the 15 you already have? And say you purchased a bunch of GMBs and got two new "crystals in a jar" you will see two "crystals in a jar" each with the word "new" on them; and you still don't know how many you already had!

I don't like this. Makes it harder to sell back items because you don't know if you already have the item, or if you do, how many you already have! No, I don't like this.

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I noticed that and I was so confused about what was going on too! Took me a while to work it out!

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I agree! I don't like that at all! It's too hard to know what you should or shouldn't sell back because it doesn't give you the total number you have. I can't figure out an easy way to work with it yet. Ugh! They should change it back!

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Me too, I got confused with my hats... they showing individually what you have opened... I think the chest before is much better... showing one item and it says how many of that item you have.. SadSad

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yeah me to Mad yesterday i bought few items but i bought 1 item then i go home and seen that i need one more and when i have open chest there was 3 items because i already has one but all 3 in a different place in chest

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Yeah it's soooo confusing. I don't like it

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i think no one like it Sad and maybe it is only a some bad glitch or error congratulations i hope they will change it congratulations and the option to buy more than 1 item Sad cause i'm to bored to buy one by one food thing Sad

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I agree with you
its very annoying and simply makes it harder to see what you have. I hope they change back

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It's getting nuts if you want to pick up fruits from the trees! Laughing it's soooo funny to look at! 2 bananas and another 2 and 1! Laughing

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Agreed! It makes it especially hard to decide if you want to sell your digging items. Thinking, how many of these do I have again? I can't keep track and I don't like the change.

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