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All Tomica regular & TL box set line up (Pre-order)

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Dear all collectors,

This is a pre-order section.

I will have these Tomica TL box set for sell.

I can get any Tomica TL number, please PM me of your wish number. Some if it's rare, price will be high.

Initial-D (only 1 box) 完美主義者及紙盒收藏家請高抬貴手

Skyline TL box set - series 1 (12cars)

Skyline TL box set - series 2 (12cars)

Coca Cola trucks set (12cars)

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PM me the price for TL Initial D set Embarassed

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me also like loon, pm me the inisal d set, tow chey lou pan!

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Please PM the Coca Cola trucks set and for the Skyline TL box set - series 2,where is the pic?

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What you mean we can PM you our 'wish' number scratch I wanna #00005 Very Happy

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Dear all members,

Yes, i can get all number you want. The only issue is price $$$$$, i will check and get back to you by PM, thanks.

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TS = Thread Starter = the person who started/opened a thread

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wow.. please pm me price of initial D and skyline.. thx..

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please pm me price for that coca cola trucks set mr TS~
thanks in advance~

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