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HWCM 3rd Raceday~! postponed to 9th October 2009

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We are going to conduct HWCM's 3rd Raceday on 9th October 2009 at McD SS15 Drive-Tru, Subang Jaya at about 10:30pm. The theme shall be 2008 - 2009 Color Shifters. Means that you can only use cars from this series.

There will be a registration fee now of 1 carded car(as usual), can be a basic car or any other series.

Date : 9th October 2009
Time : 10.30pm
Venue : SS15 Drive-thru McDonalds
Theme : 2008 - 2009 Color Shifters
Mechanism : Three Sessions of KNOCK-OUT style Tournament with the winner of each race moving on to the next round. Participants will be allowed to change cars between races. So each participant is allowed a maximum of 3 cars

You may also choose to enter 1 same car for every single race.

Prizes will be given to 1st 2nd and 3rd places for each session

If you haven't got any of those series, get hunting now!

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wah.. sure cant come.. just after hari raya.. gotta lots of works to do for sure..
but.. everything can happen, RazzRazz

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hope im not working that day...if got free time sure i'll come..

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...think this 3rd race event...all the member ad to use the "DRAGTOR" or "HYPER MITE" or "SURFIN SCHOOL BUS" to race! joget

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demonicle wrote:
i just sent in the proposal. this time the theme is color shifters.
pls note that you will have to use 3 different color shifters..

oh no!! 3 different color shifters???? starsstars .... bro out there..get ready ur bullet and go hunt down some c.s for the race event!

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modified car can join @ not?
i did modified few CS...

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EVO CS theme pulak.....

looks like I will be cheering only......again.......

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Wow, Color Shifters, very expensive race! 3 cars each, that makes 9 cars on my side.... stars

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demonicle wrote:
nope. stock only.
no modified.

i wanted to add weight on the car and grease on the wheels!

discrimination against customizers!

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There was talk last raceday that those who ate the most french fries had the fastest cars. Wonder why? Razz

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so, for this raceday,we're going to use the same track or got another track, got flip flip one... hmm

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getting more and more excited ~ :sinclairsdance

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ya,my hw racing almost done with the twin turbo modification.....hehe

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3 CS ar??
sap sap lar,
i put all my 3 Lancer (Grey, Yellow, White) whistling
sub will be the white 24/7.
or those who have only 2 CS (pour/dip iced coke over it, so now u have '4' cars, ahem... Twisted Evil )

jangan jangan Demon says must be HW design car only... die..

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oh ya.. always thought of it as Maz RX hehe.. solly solly

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demonicle wrote:
maybe guyy not allowed to enter only

can he come?? :LOL!:

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demonicle wrote:
maybe guyy not allowed to enter only

woi... macam ini kah.?! :Adminpower: ?!!? verymad

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hmmm btw, should we have like age group,
since most of the adults kena trash by u know who.. god hehehe

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Lolz .... kena da pao by kids.

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don't forget the some of the winners are the most seniors among adults apart from young kids, hehe..so have fun to race together!!!!!! :LOL!:

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Indeed indeed........the point is have fun. joget

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and no offence to everyone, please don't discriminate the kids as mentioned they always win the race. In race, there is a winner and loser. It just happen to be lucky to win regardless the age of the person. I , myself as a father would hurt if ppl always said young kids will win the race. I'm supposed to be happy for my son.

Sorry if my statement offence some of you guys.

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hhahaha.. no la.. i wud say danielh got pawned by his 4 year old son!!!

it not discriminating.. its jus some ppl feel very embarrassed to lose to small children

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what!!!! use cs tis time i dun want to open mine coz mine really expensive

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hey daniel hope you didnt get the wrong msg,
it was not meant to discriminate or anything,
it was kind of jokingly/mischievious way at best to say about those older collectors losing at the race, which ur son happens to be in, it was actually great fun to be there and seeing all the collectors from all walks of life having fun, hope u did not misunderstood.

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