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First T-hunts ever..

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First T-hunts ever..
34' 3-Window..

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my first thunt was chrsyler 300c regular

urs is a raba raba tayar somemore

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nice one adrian..are gonna loose it or keep em carded? wanna feel that rubber? hehehe

btw, congrats adrian, nice haul

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kukubeh wrote:
soon it's going to be 2nd, 3rd, 4th.....

I wish i can too..

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cham2020 wrote:
my first thunt was chrsyler 300c regular

urs is a raba raba tayar somemore

Thanks..my first T-hunt is Ford Mustang..

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RGSUKAN wrote:
nice one adrian..are gonna loose it or keep em carded? wanna feel that rubber? hehehe

btw, congrats adrian, nice haul

I keep em carded, so cannot feel the rubber..

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hokuan wrote:
Got it hanging at the rack?

I not so undestand..U saying at the hauling place or my house?

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Adrian wrote:
hokuan wrote:
Got it hanging at the rack?

I not so undestand..U saying at the hauling place or my house?

:headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger:

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Adrian wrote:
hokuan wrote:
Got it hanging at the rack?

I not so undestand..U saying at the hauling place or my house?

hokuan mean is where did you get that thunt, at our local supermarket, traded with somebody or ebay..hehehe

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RGSUKAN wrote:
Adrian wrote:
hokuan wrote:
Got it hanging at the rack?

I not so undestand..U saying at the hauling place or my house?

hokuan mean is where did you get that thunt, at our local supermarket, traded with somebody or ebay..hehehe

Sorry all, my english very sampah want..
I grab it at amcorp mall..cost RM30

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awesome looking t-hunt, pretty nice rubbers u got there Adrian ! .. mine first t-hunt was the Qombee frm 7-e... muahaha

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pydrumerboy wrote:
I can only

By the way nice looking thunt

Thanks pydrumerboy..

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matchboxclub wrote:
awesome looking t-hunt, pretty nice rubbers u got there Adrian ! .. mine first t-hunt was the Qombee frm 7-e... muahaha

Thanks for sharing your T-hunt stories...

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congrats on your first thunt bro!!! and hope that many mores greens will come to you!!!

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cham2020 wrote:
my first thunt was chrsyler 300c regular

urs is a raba raba tayar somemore

same la wif me, chrysler 300c, SmileSmile..
btw congrats adrian..

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danielh wrote:
congrats on your first thunt bro!!! and hope that many mores greens will come to you!!!

Thanks danielh..

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jhc7598 wrote:
cham2020 wrote:
my first thunt was chrsyler 300c regular

urs is a raba raba tayar somemore

same la wif me, chrysler 300c, ..
btw congrats adrian..

Thanks jhc7598, you 2 like brothers..

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