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Correct way of driving on the road

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Hi guys, wanted to discuss the above topic to understand more about the correct way of driving on our road. Below are some that just cross my mind. Do highlight more situations for discussion in order for all of us to have a safe journey...

1. Am I wrong if I'm travelling at the exact speed limit on the fast lane without changing lane?
[eg: LDP at 80kph , Federal Highway at 80kph , PLUS at 110kph]

2. Bright white headlamp izzi legal or illegal?

3. Can I jump the red light while waiting 1st in line at the junction in order to let an emergency vehicle go through?

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1. no u r not wrong. but u lack common courtesy. someone in the car behind u might be rushing to see someone who jus got admitted into hospital. no harm in letting others go past u rite??

2. yup illegal. cuz it might cause glare in on coming drivers eyes which cud lead to a car crash. n loss of life. working in the automotive industry, i've seen my fair share of accidents. and its not really a good feeling when someone is killed jus because an ahbeng decided to have stadium flood light on his headlamps.

3. yes you can.. IF u have no other choice.

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Well said Demonicle.....Plus no.3 the priority is emergency, so when you see the lights behind you just pull away...

Like this example, I took on LCCT, it was on a red light..

Or this American example..

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I remember travelling on the fastest lane of the highway just like in example NO1, at 80 whcih is the speed limit and a traffic police on a bike pulled me over and said that the right most lane is only for those who want to overtake, so if i am going at the speed limit, I should take the middle lane instead. Traffic was light at the time and this was like 5 years ago.

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Those also apply in North America.
Here in Canada, we obey about he same courtesy rules and laws.
1- If you just drive the limit in the fast lane, big chances you'll have someone tailgaiting you to the point it's really dangerous. Better not do that even if you're in the speed limit.
2- They're not exactly illegal but there's a time when it's better to use them. I live in a rural area where we don't have lights in all the streets. So when I'm on one of those, I use them until I come across another car, then switch back to regular.
3- ALWAYS ALWAYS give the right of way to emergency vehicules. You can get ticketed for not doing so here. Even if it means jumping the red light to let the car pass. No one will see anything wrong because it's an emergency. But always make sure the way is clear and no one's coming. We don't want any accidents either.

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1. Am I wrong if I'm travelling at the exact speed limit on the fast lane without changing lane?
[eg: LDP at 80kph , Federal Highway at 80kph , PLUS at 110kph]

You are right by the law. But then again, how many times can you drive at that speed in 3rd lane? Its either crawling when its jammed, or 110kph. Nothing to do with courtesy like demonicle said. Its bad habits embedded since fast cars was introduced in Malaysia.

2. Bright white headlamp izzi legal or illegal?

Unless your car came with them, no. HID lamps are illegal to be installed as aftermarket parts.

3. Can I jump the red light while waiting 1st in line at the junction in order to let an emergency vehicle go through?

Give a few honks and the cars on the coming dirrection will know. Or just wind down the window, wave your hand like mad and honk, like i saw before.

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No.1 :
Me also think it got nothing to do with courtesy. Infact it's quite funny to think tat it's a courtesy to let another driver to commit a traffic offence. To me i think tat since anyway it's an offence tailgating me & then overtake me above the speed limit, why dun they just commit another offence by doing it on my left side.

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thefuhrer wrote:
No.1 :
Me also think it got nothing to do with courtesy. Infact it's quite funny to think tat it's a courtesy to let another driver to commit a traffic offence. To me i think tat since anyway it's an offence tailgating me & then overtake me above the speed limit, why dun they just commit another offence by doing it on my left side.

ok lets put it this way.

lets say there are two empty tables at a restaurant.
one table can fit 10ppl. another jus for 4 ppl.
when u arrive the smaller table is hasn't been cleaned. so u sit at the bigger table eventhough u r jus one person.
then after ur plate of nasi goreng and 3layered tea arrives, a huge family of 8ppl turn up n r looking for a place to sit. by this time, the smaller table has been cleaned.
wud u carry ur food n move to the other table with a smile?
or wud u jus buat tak tau n let them cramp at the small table.

the speed limit is there for everyone to adhere to. but if u wanna follow everything by the books, why don't u follow the 'ikut kiri kecuali memotong' law?
it clearly states that if u not overtaking anyone. jus follow the left lane.
even if u r travelling at the speed limit, u must be on the left lane if u r not overtaking

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See... it's a good thing to talk it over when u r in doubt. I'm much clearer now on my perspective about this & I must say Mr.Domenicle u r right. Totally overlooked the "keep left" rule.
Thanks for sharing yr point.

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thefuhrer wrote:
See... it's a good thing to talk it over when u r in doubt. I'm much clearer now on my perspective about this & I must say Mr.Domenicle u r right. Totally overlooked the "keep left" rule.
Thanks for sharing yr point.

it's always great to have conversations like this. where everyone's opinion comes into play. and sometimes u realise somethings u have overlooked.
i always have this at gatherings. cuz theres jus so much u can learn from many of the collectors who have diff professions and lifestyles

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