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JHC's October Project part 3 Convertible Purple Passion

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Hi all.. sorry for posting my customs again n again n again..
u'all quite bored already, i think, huhu~~
boring pn boring la, btw i had to show this..
here my 3rd car this month, 4th car will take about couple weeks i thinks, since i had exam until next 3 weeks..

and sorry for lack of pictures.. forgot to transfer from camera..
and now, this baby safely (i think) at hands of new owner..
btw thanks for looking..

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Custom Purple Passion!! wow!! Then i know who the new owner was!!
Btw....nice try on ur 3rd custom project!
Hope to c ur 4th custom car...soon!!

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wow really customized!!

is the back using putty?

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chee keng hong wrote:
Custom Purple Passion!! wow!! Then i know who the new owner was!!
Btw....nice try on ur 3rd custom project!
Hope to c ur 4th custom car...soon!!

huhu.. 4th car just need minor detailing only.. btw thanks..

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kurz wrote:
wow really customized!!

is the back using putty?

no la, other car's interior.. purple passion's interior kinda plain, so i transplant the new interior, RazzRazz

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pydrumerboy wrote:
Really PURPLE passion...nice

thanks.. suit the name, isnt it, RazzRazz

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good convertible conversion, i like the interior transplant. just a bit messy on the middle console and gearbox, but very nice paintwork. Smile

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wow nice work on the interior details the mr. jhc...

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demonicle wrote:
new owner? WHO DID U GIVE IT TO!?!
wat about me?

lol i thought the new owner most definitely would have been you.

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danielh wrote:
nice convertible jhc!! this custom purple passion cools!!!!!!!

thanks.. glad that u like it, SmileSmile

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sinclair wrote:
Oh, use other car's interior. Great custom!

thanks.. yup, its from '69 camaro's interior.. btw thanks, n glad that u like it..

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elgee wrote:
good convertible conversion, i like the interior transplant. just a bit messy on the middle console and gearbox, but very nice paintwork.

yup.. kinda hard to do the good paint job on interior since i had shaky hand, huhu.. i paint it with size 0 brush btw..
thanks, n really glad that u like it..

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eight wrote:
wow nice work on the interior details the mr. jhc...

thanks abg eight.. Smile

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demonicle wrote:
new owner? WHO DID U GIVE IT TO!?!
wat about me?

haiya.. forgot about u lor.. later i take back from the owner, then give u, amacam?? lol!

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rikmun wrote:
middle console you uses nail colour?

nope, using MRColor Paint, n paint it using 3/0 brush..

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