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Who is more important?

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The person in your phone call or the person right in front of your face?

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Ok I will bite, Smile

Depends la......

The most important is to say "excuse me" Smile

Depending on the seriousness of your conversation, if its crucial to give attention to the person in front of you then you say "excuse me, call you back" to the phone caller. The same can be done if the phone call is more serious and needs your attention more at that time, then you say "excuse me, I have to take a call" to that person in front of you. If they cannot understand and become emo, then don't care about them until they come to their senses la.....Smile

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pydrumerboy wrote:
By the way why are the avatar pictures getting bigger and bigger.....tsk

Mine has disappeared.

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Fadli85, seems like you are quoting "Decision making" Face to face or through phone.

In other words, divorce through phone or face to face. hahaha.

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Huh, py sorry bout the avatar, wrong pic, hahahaha....!
good advice from greenmaster...

Yeah netmatrix, not about divorcelah, although nowadays people chose to breakup via sms.

The thing is for example like, I'm having some good times with my mother, and sometimes we're talking and all of a sudden a call came in and the conversation just stopped like it never happen.

Quite annoying sometimes.

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Aiyaaaa.......!!!!!! Just because u are having an intimate conversation, then suddenly the phone rings.... its life man. Unless your phone is on silent mode all the time. This is not a decision on choosing who to prioritize, but rather you allowing the phone to be a spoiler or not! C'mon sure you are having probably an important conversation, but a phone call cutting in is the regular parcel in these tech ruled days.

Though i hate to recieve calls when i'm driving!

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Does a phone ring, mean u had to answer ? That is a option, to listen the sweet ringing tone until end or answer with angry tone, who calling even u can see the caller id.

People had been teaeched to answer the phone when ringing, but no1 teach u to let it ring until hangup...

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imagine this.
u r walking towards the toy section.
when u are almost there, u get a phone call.
u answer the call and stare at the rack of basic cars.
it's ur fren on the phone. he wants to know where u keep ur underwear.
while u r trying to explain to him that u don't wear any underwear, a kid comes n digs thru the racks.
rite before ur eyes, the kid finds $uper!!!!!!!!
then u see the kid running away with the $uper n paying for it at the cashier.

now my question...
how many times wud u facepalm urself?

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oh wait. i forgot that i supposed to make a point on the topic.

my point is, if it was ur wife on the phone saying that she wants a divorce, then it was an important call.

but if it was as the above mentioned caller, then.....

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If we didn't answer the phone in the first place, such post won't even come up. TS should prioritize who gets attention. Usually family gets attention. Not someone over the phone. Even if Sultan of Selangor call me at that time also i would hang up!!! No kidding! But ig God/Devil calls you, then you have to answer la. Because that could mean life or death!!!

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demonicle wrote:
imagine this.
u r walking towards the toy section.
when u are almost there, u get a phone call.
u answer the call and stare at the rack of basic cars.
it's ur fren on the phone. he wants to know where u keep ur underwear.
while u r trying to explain to him that u don't wear any underwear, a kid comes n digs thru the racks.
rite before ur eyes, the kid finds $uper!!!!!!!!
then u see the kid running away with the $uper n paying for it at the cashier.

now my question...
how many times wud u facepalm urself?

I think you had lots of experience of this. Rolling Eyes

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demonicle wrote:
sinclair wrote:

I think you had lots of experience of this. Rolling Eyes

hehe. so did u find my underwear?


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