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Lazy to find topic hauling topic

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This is the All important 16 Angels International Long Card

some regular and not so regular haul

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i think enyo lazy to find the topic where he updates his haul everytime.
cuz dah tenggelam to 2nd page i think..lol

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kurz wrote:
i think enyo lazy to find the topic where he updates his haul everytime.
cuz dah tenggelam to 2nd page i think..lol

spot on ....

U guys know what I'm looking for so send me a PM if u wan some of this babies

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Are the 16 Angels hard to find in Malasia???

I have some Supers and Regs in trade !!! but I'm from Chile Sad

If some one need them lmk,

greetings from Chile,


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Rayz-HWC wrote:
He's lazy to go hunting....so just press of a button 'Buy It Now' Ca-Ching!! Wink

WRONG ... actually this are trades with a good sg fren of mine .... he got 10 more pieces of 16 angels for me that i have yet to go trade for ... lol

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