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This months haul.... :)

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Bro, nice haul.. but I think you posted in a wrong section..
Probably the mods can transfer this to the hauling section..

anyway, nice haul.. lotsa new and old collection... nice..

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Hi, moving the thread to "recent hauls". Another note, if you wanna post your hotwheels with matchbox as well, PLease put spoilers on the matchbox picture. in your post screen look for the "others" and search for "spoilers". Or alternatively, your matchbox hauls can be posted in the "Other hobbies" section which is the last section at the bottom of the forum.

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haha..well im finding a way to hang them on the wall since my display rack is full..anybody knows how to do so?

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I saw something more valuable then then $uper CP....

I want VW Fastback.... FASTBACk..... Twisted Evil

Gr8 haul bro

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wow..massive haul..looks like you didnt miss anything..$uper also there...congrats..

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