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Hi guys, found these during lunch hour. The red Scirocco is just stunning. Torgue Twister looks interesting and the grey 56 Ford is simply nice.
Thanks for viewing.

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nice hauls bro...like ur grey 56 ford...cun woooooo

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hahahaha...hunting season coming back....congrats bro....love the spark plug truck..

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Wow, new wave is out, great!

The grey 56 Ford I noticed here is darker than the card picture. Maybe later it will change to lighter color.

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CKH: Thanks bro. Not sure what wave is it. As usual, no greens sighted on the peg anymore when I got there.
Hokuan: Thanks bro.
Danielh: Thanks bro. Yeah its a new wave but what I only got the leftovers
Mushr00m: Thanks bro.
Shek79: Thanks bro.
Ray Lim: Thanks bro.
RGSukan. Thanks bro. Yeah got to get bullets ready for this hunting season.
Smadli07: Thanks bro.
Sincalir: Thanks bro and yeah, the new wave is coming to town. I didn't notice the color mentioned. Anyway thanks again.
Matchboxclub: Thank bro. That's the sad part - the bonet cannot be opened like the red one.

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lock and load bebehs... its huntin season..

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Sahama: Thanks bro, yeah it huntin time.
Rikmun: Thanks and agree with you that the new HW wave is pretty fast.
Hassan: Thanks bro, guess your bullets are full loaded.

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this wave also consist of GMC motorhome, yellow ferrari, amx javelin , ground fx..and mixed with ratbomb wave too..nice wor...

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sahama wrote:
Where are they now?

in the hand of the owner...hehehe..just check out you nearest C4, giant or tesco...

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ford falcon ah? thanks speeddemonz...that pcs really nice...

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More nice cars are here. Tks for sharing.

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I only got loose bought at fleamarket.

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Wow, so far only you have shown this new haul. Others?

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