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burn rubber

Burn Rubber's Garage

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my little collection, too many area to cover so cannot spend all money on hot wheels. i only buy whatever cars i like so far i have 0 T-hunt yet
Corvette Eseential

Need For Speed Underground

Modern days sport cars

Hot Rods, Dragster, Custom

Deliveries Vans

Modern days muscle cars

Muscle Cars, Mopar

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variant of collections...nice, keep it up bro...

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nice red skyline u got there.. thanks for sharing

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little collection but still nice cars.. keep it up..

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thank you, i quit fussy on the cars, i dont like miss paint or wierd colour. . so not much will really caught my attention

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burn rubber wrote:
thank you, i quit fussy on the cars, i dont like miss paint or wierd colour. . so not much will really caught my attention

satisfy guaranteed...

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