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Hi, nothing much actually. During the unproductive of HW new wave hunting, managed to haul few of new and old castings. Thank you for viewing.

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wow!! Great haul!! $uper Chevrolator!! Btw..i did notice that mostly all the $uper Chevrolator that haul by members were from "kedai Mesra Petronas!! Petronas in my area only selling "welly" diecast!!

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Wow, another $uper is found. Maybe Mesra is becoming the best hauling destination now.

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Pydrummer: Thanks bro. Guess my lucky day for the green.
CKH: Thanks bro. Yeap, don't miss Kedai Mesra from now on.
Sahama: Thanks bro.
Sincalir: Thanks bro. Indeed Mesra is a must destination now.
JonImai: Thanks bro. I was attracted by the color and the tampo on ground FX
KidrauhlM5: Thanks bro.

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Wow.....petronas again!!!! Yeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Shocked

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nice super haul!!!!!!! not all mesra are selling hws but still the best choise to scores some TH here.

congrats!! Razz

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