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Chah ciput Raya haul-01092011

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drop by Jusco to look for baby milk formula........
saja gatal pi survey kat Toy dept......saw this guys hanging on the peg
right next to each other......apa lagi......sapu le......
masuk keter, wife brok brek brok brek bebel sbb kena tunggu lama sgt
just for me to buy milk only.......diam wat bodo jer lar........

and some matchbox......actually only one, hehehe.....


error? scratch/crack marks on the hood.......

timaseh dan slamat ari raya......

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fuuu aku xpnah jmp skyline tu kat retail. congrats!

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i know how u feel man about wife bebel... i have the same problem... ehheheheheh...
anyway awesome haul...

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hahaha......thank you all for the encouraging comment........

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CHAH wrote:
drop by Jusco to look for baby milk formula........
saja gatal pi survey kat Toy dept......saw this guys hanging on the peg
right next to each other......apa lagi......sapu le......
masuk keter, wife brok brek brok brek bebel sbb kena tunggu lama sgt
just for me to buy milk only.......diam wat bodo jer lar........

Gila kentang bro dpt 2000GT-X
Wife sekolah pon rasa best kan.
dlm hati senyum, muka buat sedih.....(konon)
Ko bagitau tak ko beli HW kat mem

P/s awat la aku pi beli susu dgn pampes tak penah kena... hahahhaa
ada satu lagi mamat tu beli susu budak dpt Evo.

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