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Angry Bird Overdose.

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Too many Red Angry Bird @ TRU Empire. Grab it while it's still there.. Very Happy

How do they have it this many at peg display I wonder?

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mortfish wrote:
Too many Red Angry Bird @ TRU Empire. Grab it while it's still there.. Very Happy

How do they have it this many at peg display I wonder?

Wow.... shocking

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if u look closely, its @Angry Bird merchandise section

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LOOK ! Now over here S,pore TOYS R US stores also having a lot of red birds hanging around waiting to catch ! LaughingLaughingLaughing

[img] 55488410.jpg[/img][img] 48129910.jpg[/img]

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Bird Bird bird....bird is the word....sorry had to do..it

surf bird.(Song) ..trashmen (Music group)

search You tube for this

( the surf bird(the bird is a word )

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Those who bought early at expensive price, must be cursing themselves already. Scalpers are laffing at them.

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so many because it all came in 1 special case & for special Angry Bird promotion... thats why there is so many in single store...

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