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How do you feed the chicken??

I've tried dragging the food from my storage into the chickens bowl, but its not going in....what am I doing wrong???

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I'm tryikng to feed it the chicken corn Sad

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You need to click on the chicken, then 2 icons should appear; heart and chicken wheat. Click on the heart to make it happy, or the chicken wheat to feed it.

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can you move your chicken???
i have tried and no luck
if you cant you should be warned before you place it lol

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u just need to go to your storage and click on the chicken then drag it anywhere u like. Smile hope that helps..

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yipeee thanks so much this game is a little confusing now if i could get friends to 100 so i can get the stupid dog lol

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i just got my dog last sunday.lol and he aint working like he should be. but he is cute. Smile

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amiesdemt wrote:
yipeee thanks so much this game is a little confusing now if i could get friends to 100 so i can get the stupid dog lol

It took me so long to get the dog. It sounds simple enough, but it takes time and patience to send gifts back and forth...

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you need to click on the chicken, then 2 icons should appear; brush and chicken wheat. Click on the brush to make it happy, or the chicken wheat to feed it. thats all i got

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