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forum wars!!!!!

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the title may be misleading. just wondering whitch one u use most now, the bf or this new curtesy of dave, and y. me i use this one more now as i feel a tad outa place on bf seeing as i long said bye bye to my bandit.

please no slagging of either just tell us witch and why.

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i use the bandit forum a little tiny bit more, simply because it demands more from me as a moderator.

enjoy both equally though

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here too
asked to be removed off other
why. no been the same for ages [been on to long maybe]
think dave is doing a good job here thumbs

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I enjoy them both, allthough ive got to be honest i spend more time on here thumbs

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I use this one more, Membership is growing nearly 200, and sfter a slow start its getting ging now. WELL DONE DAVE.

I Don't know It just seems less repetative.
And very friendly and a bigger variey of people.

Of course 100 of the 200 must be off a certain B site

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@Grumpyowl wrote:
I use this one more, Membership is growing nearly 200, and sfter a slow start its getting ging now. WELL DONE DAVE.

I Don't know It just seems less repetative.
And very friendly and a bigger variey of people.

Of course 100 of the 200 must be off a certain B site

I know this will sound repetitive......... but agreeLaughing

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yeah im enjoying both its nice to have a bit of variety though i have been on this site a bit more lately i think daves doing a great job and its nice to see some old faces. thumbs

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Both are great sites in their own right but have to say I find myself on this one more, mainly because I like the chatbox, If I have a bandit queiry i would go to BF and also now I will have 2 lots of rideouts to go on, RESULT!

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Im not a member of the bf and wont be, this is because im not a big fan of mixed bike forums as i feel there is a lot of pissing competions going on and i dont like that but on here it doesnt happen and everyone is friendly and treated the same so unlucky for you lot but im going to stick around for a while longer, im a member of a all girl bike forum which i use more as i have made a lot of very good friends on there and i love it

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Im not a member of the bf and wont be, this is because im not a big fan of mixed bike forums

What part of the BANDIT forum do you think is mixed scratch

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I'm on a couple of ZZR forums, and I requested my account on the B/F to be deleted a while ago, so this is really "home" I guess. Smile

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Males and females

They have single sex biker forums??
How boring is that!?

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That was my initial reaction Itchy, but the fact is a lot of women can feel threatened by the machismo and tech talk on some bike forums. Not all of them are as touchy feely and utterly nice as this one. Feel the love! Very Happy

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ITCHY wrote:
Males and females

They have single sex biker forums??
How boring is that!?

OOOHHh being Single and Sex

Heeee them were t'days party

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OOOHHh being Single and Sex

Heeee them were t'days

Can't remember either

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I would like the ladies to feel welcome on this forum but unfortunately we have had 2 ladies ask for there account on here to be deleted Sad

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Bit of a surprise that Dave. I'm not sure they'd do any better away from a ladies only set up. But whoever they are, I'm sorry to hear it. Smile

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Dont know about fengirl but wow has an issue on our forum aswell and wont be coming on again so i wouldnt feel too bad about it and as for me going any where well im afraid your stuck with me like i previously said thumbs

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@suzukijax wrote:
Dont know about fengirl but wow has an issue on our forum aswell and wont be coming on again so i wouldnt feel too bad about it and as for me going any where well im afraid your stuck with me like i previously said thumbs


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@suzukijax wrote:
Dont know about fengirl but wow has an issue on our forum aswell and wont be coming on again so i wouldnt feel too bad about it and as for me going any where well im afraid your stuck with me like i previously said thumbs
yes would be upset if you went Jax Sad you contribute alot to this forum thumbs

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tbh i dont know what their problem is! Shocked i know i havent appeared on here much yet ....just been having one of those moments! lots o shit going on n prefer to just be nosey without posting lol Laughing
but hey i have lots of lovely male friends on here who know well i can take a joke n have a laugh!..love them to bits,great blokes all of them n have met a good amount of them personally several times n i count them as mates who i wudnt want to lose thumbs
if certain women cant take a bit of a joke then i feel sori for them Sad
lets face it biking is a male dominated world but hey girls get tough n enjoy it!..............n take over when they not looking lol Winkfighting
always up for a giggle me! Laughing

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ITCHY wrote:
That's a shame, i think we need the ladies to keep us in check.

And who`s meant to keep us in check Laughing

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@Diane wrote:
ITCHY wrote:
That's a shame, i think we need the ladies to keep us in check.

And who`s meant to keep us in check Laughing

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@Baby B wrote:

lets face it biking is a male dominated world but hey girls get tough n enjoy it!..............n take over when they not looking lol Winkfighting
always up for a giggle me! Laughing

totaly agree B but there is nothing more that puts a smile on my face than a lady getting of a big bike, and thats not meant in a sexist way , just the fact that she has the balls to , thats all,.

and as for forums , i tinker on both ,

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I agree, it's a shame some ladies feel they have to leave but by the sound of it wow could be one of those very rare things.............a lady that's hard to please Laughing

but seriously, you can't please all of the people all of the time and I was alwys impressed by how friendly the BF was - apart from the occasional member that forgot to engage their brain before posting Smile
With Dave in charge this should always remain a relaxed friendly site that many can enjoy, top man Dave thumbs

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@Baby B wrote:
tbh i dont know what their problem is! Shocked i know i havent appeared on here much yet ....just been having one of those moments! lots o shit going on n prefer to just be nosey without posting lol Laughing
but hey i have lots of lovely male friends on here who know well i can take a joke n have a laugh!..love them to bits,great blokes all of them n have met a good amount of them personally several times n i count them as mates who i wudnt want to lose thumbs
if certain women cant take a bit of a joke then i feel sori for them Sad
lets face it biking is a male dominated world but hey girls get tough n enjoy it!..............n take over when they not looking lol Winkfighting
always up for a giggle me! Laughing

Whilst I do understand your reasoning and have always held my corner in lots and lots of things and in fact can't remember the last time I felt intimidated by anything or anyone.

There are still folks who are, not every one wants to read rude jokes and I know you don't have to read them etc. Or look at a posting with "there the dogs bollocks, mate" some folks are offended by things like this. Its easy to say they should harden up but its not that easy. I have nine members of female staff and each is different to the next, I know some I can get away with swearing some I can't. You pick your audience.

I'm a member of the girls bike forum and in the begining I was just what I was looking for, informative, supporting, you didn't feel an idiot if you asked a techinical question and you didn't get some knob talking to you like your an idiot, trying to prove how big his bollocks where! It offered me advice as a learner on what to do what not to do. I did join another forum back in the old days and was really made not welcome at all and was so pleased when I found the ladies one. Not everyone comes to biking with technical knowlege. I know I know Sweet FA I would like to learn more but there is no one in my area or near me that rides, except hubby and his still learning like me.

Two and a bit years on, I find myself going on Curvy's less and less as I don't feel I need them so much and am also wiser. I will say sometimes the nicey nicey does get on my nerves but not often.

I've been a Member of a Triumph website for the past two yrs where I'm an avid poster and have felt nothing but support and camaradera from, which is why I'm still a member.

I also think Dave has done a great job here with this forum and I hope it can be kept as friendly as it is.

I hope this goes some way to explain how some ladies feel and I'm sure there are plenty of blokes out there that are exactly the same.

It is a male dominated domain too but it doesn't mean it should be or remain so. Theres money to be made from women bikers, espeicaly those of a certain age with disposable income. Surely its better to get more bikers out there, regardless of their sex.

Also just to add, what the ***k!! why ask for your name to be removed from the forum, just don't bloody log in. Talk about throw you teddy out of the pram Sad You just wouldn't come back would you, bloody hell.

I'll also add that find myself on here a lot as I enjoy the laughs, espeically with the regualrs in the chat box as I'm a sad woman and don't get out very much!!

I'm also looking forward to meeting loads of you for ride outs when the weather permits along with hubby too.

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Well i dont really use any of them at minute, i try and pop on here now and again but not a lot. I will try to be on here more and more, bieng one of the first members on here i should do really, there are some great folks on here and Dave is a good lad as im sure you all know anyway, as far as the BF site, i have never felt like i really fit in there to be honest, a lot of that came from bieng the president of the BOC of great britain, and they didnt agree with paying £15 to join and we had some words.. However im not bitter, and there are some good people on the BF and i go there for advice when i need it so its not all bad....

This forum is going from strength to strength and its good to see more people using it and enjoying there time here....
I like the fact on here that all bikes are accepted and not just bandits or hondas , etc. makes a nice change to hear more people giving their ideas on a variety of bikes and not just one bike that everyone else on the forum has....

Keep up the great work guys and gals in making this a place to be thumbsthumbsthumbs

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I joined the BF after I saw some of my mates on other forums were on there and at first I jumped in but then realised it was too normal for me. Not to mention the couple of retards I had a fall out with... why post those kinds of threads up and not expect that kind of reaction? Admin told me to stick with it, I took a break and went back and it happened again... I can't be arsed to spend energy with idiots.

Joined this one cos I always got on ok with Hutch (even after 'that' thread Laughing ) and a few other familiar faces. So far, I've contributed and I pop in every day. To be honest, it's not my usual type of forum. I prefer 'real' forums. In the last 3-4 years I've been on GBB, Bikerscafe, London Bikers, Powerfreaks, Bandit Forum and it's always the same. Some decent people but mostly a bunch of know-it-all nobheads who think they can talk down to you because you're a woman. There's not many of us girls in the fighter world but I have been more welcomed there, than any of those forums I mentioned. I know this will rub some the wrong way but there's nothing they won't do to help you out with either. Whereas anyone can buy a bike, kick tyres and talk about it 'what paniers should I buy?'. Fair play to those it suits, but not for me thanks.

I am not afraid to get my hands dirty. I learn by the advice given and I don't want people to do it for me, I want to do it and know that I've got backup. I've met some amazing people on the fighter forums and have a lot of love for them.

There's female only forums? Not heard that before... I wouldn't want to be part of that. I'm too crass for most woman to handle. I don't get offended easily. I can take a joke but what I will not put up with is being mocked for my age, my experiences or giving advice that I've been asked for. Just good manners really, isn't it? I take people as I find them... if I like you, then you're blessed, if I don't, then you must be a right nobhead Laughing

Oh and I forgot my biggest gripe with some of those forums - their ride outs! They know they are green riders in the pack but every time, most of them blat off and leave a few stranded... after finally catching up. It's no fun. It's selfish. It's irresponsible to do 90+mph thru a 30mph village ffs... it encourages people to ride beyond their capability and it's not being a group. If they want a fast ride out, then don't invite all grades. I won't do ride outs now because of that reason.. well other than the fighter ones cos like I said, they aren't like everyone else.

*real as in speaking your mind and not worrying about being moderated for saying bloody or calling someone a tosser - I was going to call him a c*nt but edited myself, see i can be restrained Laughing

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Excellent reply, thanks

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have they left cos me and dave are lesbians silent

No but stupid comments like that don't help Stan, you should know better!! Laughing

You silly bugger!!

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I suppose the idea of a "real" forum is different for everyone noz. but as long as we enjoy it here then thats the main thing.

but people wont appreciate being called c*nts just the same as you dont appreciate being looked down on or treated like an inferior.

luckily i have to do very little moderating on the forum because every on here is so good, but its moderated in a certain way to keep the majority happy

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still go on bf,still enjoy seeing what people are upto builds ect ect

enjoy daves forum,as its not just aimed at one make of bike.a forum will only ever be as good as the people on it,and those that run it

nuff said really thumbs

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NoZ wrote:

Oh and I forgot my biggest gripe with some of those forums - their ride outs! They know they are green riders in the pack but every time, most of them blat off and leave a few stranded... after finally catching up. It's no fun. It's selfish. It's irresponsible to do 90+mph thru a 30mph village ffs... it encourages people to ride beyond their capability and it's not being a group. If they want a fast ride out, then don't invite all grades. I won't do ride outs now because of that reason.. well other than the fighter ones cos like I said, they aren't like everyone else.

yip i get left behind too Embarassed

if it says 30 i do 30 and get left behind
last few times out its just been a nice slow run with a m8

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Thats why i prefer to go out with just woman because majority are on the same wave length as me where my riding is concerned and the parking up and manouvering of the bike
I went out with a mate who has started to see a bloke off another forum and it was 5 of them me and her i gave up half way to chester and came home as they had no idea of the speed limit and didnt care either

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@suzukijax wrote:
Thats why i prefer to go out with just woman because majority are on the same wave length as me where my riding is concerned and the parking up and manouvering of the bike
I went out with a mate who has started to see a bloke off another forum and it was 5 of them me and her i gave up half way to chester and came home as they had no idea of the speed limit and didnt care either
I dont blame you, my wife more often than not comes out with me on the back and a similar thing happend they all buggard of and didnt give a toss about leaving us behind, so we turned off and went a different way, once they realised we had gone my phone never stopped ringing, allthough it was silly i ignored it for a while and made them sweat a bit.. then i answerd and gave them a piece of me mind, in my opinion, if you go out as a group you should stay as a group thumbs

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Thats why if a ride is organised its organised.

Copy of route, stop off points, back markers etc. I stoped going with a mate and her friends husband. He kept buggering off and leaving her so she got lost loads most of the time. I in the end stayed back with her and he still buggered off.

I just tend to go out on my own or with hubby, its a lot easier that way.

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I prefer to go out with my OH, he buggers off but always waits for me. Girlie sites..mmmmm sent one a message but no reply...think I wasn`t fat enough Laughing

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@Diane wrote:
I prefer to go out with my OH, he buggers off but always waits for me. Girlie sites..mmmmm sent one a message but no reply...think I wasn`t fat enough Laughing

and Diane you don't have to be fat to join it, most aren't. You might even learn something as we have professional racers on there, mechanics, medics and a bunch of down right nice people all obsessed with one thing BIKES!. thumbs

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This seems to be getting off topic but anyway..........

I like different experiences when I go for a ride, if I want a fast ride I usually go on my own, it's safer that way and no one can get upset - if I want company I'll go with my son and daugther then I usually lead with my daughter in the middle (I'm constantly looking back to make sure she's okay) with my son bringing up the rear, as he's a lot more experienced than her, I also go on larger organised rides (like the BF annual thumbs ) or with a group of mates that all did the DAS with the same instructor (who's now a mate) he leads and makes sure everyone is sensible, and if they're not they don't get invited anymore, he insists it is the responsibility of the rider in front to look out for the one behind and so on down the group, it works for us thumbs

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Rose wrote:
@Diane wrote:
I prefer to go out with my OH, he buggers off but always waits for me. Girlie sites..mmmmm sent one a message but no reply...think I wasn`t fat enough Laughing

and Diane you don't have to be fat to join it, most aren't. You might even learn something as we have professional racers on there, mechanics, medics and a bunch of down right nice people all obsessed with one thing BIKES!. thumbs

Hang on a minute, did I mention which site? Surprised

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