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makes me mad

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I just watch the news on tv,a load of blokes smashing grave stones mmmmmmmmmmm nice nuf said b4 I get banned.
one thing dose spring to mind base ball bats!!!!!!!!

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saw that as well bloody sickening mate,theyve been lovingly tended for 70 years and then mindless thugs go and smash them up, and after we helped liberate them angry

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The world is a mad bad place , thank god we are all normal on this great forum, super lot of guy and a few nice lady's thumbs

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Yes if it was the other way around! the shit would hit the fan

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it's not just the feckless low-life scum

up here the council were knocking them down on H & S grounds head bang

as always we brtish will take it on the chin and just turn the other cheek

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@XS1100 wrote:
I just watch the news on tv,a load of blokes smashing grave stones mmmmmmmmmmm nice nuf said b4 I get banned.
one thing dose spring to mind base ball bats!!!!!!!!
not on your own gaz think Dick & stue would ban me too if i said how i feel too surrender

censoredin scum bags

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angryangryangry why...Ive also been told that headstones and plots can be removed now after only 50years wtf is that all about..well thats what ive been told by our local undertaker Sad It used to be 100years which i also didnt know..

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thats discusting!

as dad says wana line them up and shoot the lot of them. problem solved

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@Davehutch wrote:
thats discusting!

as dad says wana line them up and shoot the lot of them. problem solved
your dad knows stuff chad thumbs RESPECT !!

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@Davehutch wrote:
thats discusting!

as dad says wana line them up and shoot the lot of them. problem solved
your dad knows stuff chad thumbs RESPECT !!

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It's Libya - there is no law n order out there. I'm more concerned with the 50,000 missing 'prisoners' that Gadaffi stashed away tbh. Vandalism of graves is utterly heinous, whatever country it's in. Down Southsea (Portsmouth) all the Jewish ones were trashed with Nazi symbols. I did a wedding up near Leeds and all of them had been pushed over by some little censored ... makes your blood go cold fighting Sadly it's more common than reported... No

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makes my blood boil,you help them out this is how they react,bloody evil,B2ST5RDS Sad if the boot was on the other foot and some english did this,what would the reaction be then,there just barbaric savages. EmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassed

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@gsf1200 wrote:
makes my blood boil,you help them out this is how they react,bloody evil,B2ST5RDS Sad if the boot was on the other foot and some english did this,what would the reaction be then,there just barbaric savages. EmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassed

I agree thumbsthumbsfighting

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To me it just underlines the perspective of the relations between countries. These guys died in their country trying to make a better life for them. I know the desecration was carried out by the "anti-british" factions, but where's the support for the actions these soldiers took on behalf of others? I just think it's a reason for us to maybe start re-thinking our foreign policy?

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