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I was very lucky

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went to the BSB today not great as it rained all day , but still some fun any way on the wayback up the m4 got a screw in the back tyre /
middle lane and a bit over 70 mph . well 88 mph affraidaffraid over taken a car to say the bike went from side to side , is a bit less then it done , got it straight and on the hard soulder
but was so close to loseing it , just got home with the AA right pissed of

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as censored off as you maybe garry thank the lord up above you kept it upright

and your home safe and sound thumbs

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a clenched cheek moment affraid thank god you kept her upright garry and got her stopped safely thumbs

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Home and safe Garry thank the lord himself tonight thumbsthumbs glad your home safe thumbsthumbs

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ooooo, makes me cringe just thinking about it, you must have a Guardian Angel Dude, glad you got back home OK thumbsthumbs

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glad that it worked out with no injury, nuisance though having to get the tyre changed.

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Glad you got home safe and sound. At least bikes can be repaired, we dont always mend so easily thumbs

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