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do you ever get to the point of giving up

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my bike looks terrible at the moment,

it had a few issues to do with the paintwork that i finally got around to sorting, a rub through on the tank, seat cowl needed painting, and a chunk on the front. due to stickers being under the laquer i had to soft edge repair it. however the new lot of sterling grey (ford) i was given was so diffeent its like black and white and looks awful,

and then as im laquering, the acitvator must have been slightly jelly like in the bottom! sealed container!! and some plonker didnt have any strainers and it spatt accross the tank!

taking it to work saturday as my boss said its doable and has soe different grey but if not im in the right mind tio gloss black it! as got the right hump!

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@madsod wrote:
Im sure you will get it right thumbs

yeah just got the hump, i like things to be perfect, and i noptice every little mark.

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I know how you feel chad a bloke did mine and i wasnt happy, so i gave it to madcarper (ian) and now its perfect. thumbs

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@haveugot1 wrote:
I know how you feel chad a bloke did mine and i wasnt happy, so i gave it to madcarper (ian) and now its perfect. thumbs

mine looks spot on! and coupel bits happened clumsey people dropping saws onto my bike! and rub through was me!

and just the fact the paint place cant match paint properly!

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Chin up mate im sure you'll get her sorted thumbsthumbs

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sorry to hear this chad you need to speak to ian ;madcarper cos he is the best ive ever seen as regards to paint

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Try a tin of Hammerite and a nice coarse brush Twisted Evil

Seriously mate, I personally know how frustrated you get when a lot of work in a spray job does wrong.

Old and Disgraceful racer2racer2racer2

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Keep at it mate. Unfortunately doing things right does take time. Stick at it and you'll get it done thumbsthumbs

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got the seat cowl polished, it passable but still not happy with how they grey sint such a match. their is like no pearl in it at all!

but tail unit needs some work ive found.

im taking it to work saturday so hope its sorted but ive just lost faith.

so new paint ideas for next winter are on the horizon!

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sure ya will sort it chad,shame your thinking of changeing colour I thought it looked well

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happens all the time if you buy in paint, some people aint to carefull when they weigh the tinters and tend not to recalculate if they got a lot on are just can't be arsed, also paint manufacturers will change the composition of some tinters and say naff all.or the supplier might change brand of paint and some colours you could go edge to edge with never seem to match again.we are always having to tint colours to get a decent match.never mind chad its just part of lifes learning curve. ps that's one reason I painted the zed black.

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