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My Graduation(mike)

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Well, given I've passed I needed to have my head flattened to be formally presented with my degree. So below are a few pictures. Managed to get my good lady, my Mam and Dad, my sister and the two lads with me as well. So good day all round  thumbs   thumbs   thumbs 

Just me (happy on a photograph as always!?!!)

Me and Angela

Me and my two boys

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Cracking pics mate im over the moon for ya party party party party party 

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Thanks to all for the comments. Never thought I'd see the end of it!! Shocked   Shocked 

It was a warm day, but I stuck with it and was glad to have everyone there. It's all come and gone very quick, but I am definitely glad it's all over.  thumbs   thumbs   thumbs

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@madcarper wrote:
thumbs well done m8,but cheer up a bit you all look so serious.Smile 

Unfortunately mate always do. I'm not photogenic, you may have noticed  Shocked   thumbs   Laughing   Laughing

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