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damaged my wheel :(

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I have damaged the front wheel on my bike (hole in the road ) , its a bit buckled , been to my tyre man , redcar suzuki and fasttrack who do the MOT'S  they say its safe and would pass a MOT , But think its best to get repaired, Redcar recon they can get it done and painted (if need be) For no more than £200 by a guy who is well know and does the wheels for the racing guys,

    , you wouldnt know by the way the bike rides , its fine ,   so next service its going to be done thumbs

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That's a shame Dave Sad  but at least you have seen a specialist and it can be repaired  thumbs thumbs I am surprised more of us aren't having the same problem or even worse given the state of our roads thumb down thumb down  glad your getting it sorted ok though mate! thumbs thumbs

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What a pain take a picture of the pot hole and try and get the local council to pay for it

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take a picture of the hole with something like ruler beside it to give some idea of scale, compile a letter to the council with an estimate or invoice for your repairs and the pictures of damage to the bike and the hole, big up the effect it has on the safe rideability on your bike and threaten to get a solicitor on the case . chances are they will at the least cover the cost of your repairs . why do you think the councils repair the roads its not so you have lovely smooth roads, its because they don't want to be sued and have massive legal costs. anyway dave what you got to lose by writing a letter.

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Im sure you will have a case against the local council dave

ya need a pic that's dated and as long as theres no yellow markings around the pot hole worth a try
get a pic before raseing the matter thumbs 

as long as the wheel run out or buckle is no more than 2mm that's fine for mot/4mm for steel rims thumbs 

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@madcarper wrote:
take a picture of the hole with something like ruler beside it to give some idea of scale, compile a letter to the council with an estimate or invoice for your repairs  and the pictures of damage to the bike and  the hole, big up the effect it has on the safe rideability on your bike and threaten to get a solicitor  on the case . chances are they will at the least cover the cost of your repairs . why do you think the councils repair the roads its not so you have lovely smooth roads, its because they don't  want to be sued and have massive legal costs. anyway dave what you got to lose by writing a letter.
also remember when taking the picture with a ruler/measure try and get the depth as they have limits as to when compensation kicks in. It's just a feeble attempt to squirm out of it in these hard times. But as someone else has mentioned, it's a bitch that you may end up fixing your bike in the end but if it gets them to do something about the hole, you may be saving the next rider's life

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Shame your not closer Dave.
I have spare front with a new PR3,
would have saved it being off the road.

Personally, from what you've said,
I'd probably have carried on using it untill
the weather changed and it was used less.

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@Davehutch wrote:
just had a letter back from the council saying that they are not paying out , Sad Sad 

Not suprised, they didn't wanna know when one of there big pot holes snapped my rear shock on a 125! All they will do is put a white circle around the hole, wait a few more months then fill it in.

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*****. I've knocked all the tracking out on my car last Friday. Wheels facing left to go straight grrr

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my granda once got cash off the council after he broke his toe on an uneven paving slab

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Not good Dave about time they sorted the roads out,dont think I can remember doing so much suspension work due to censored  roads

can the wheel be repaired

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never mind m8 was worth a try, perhaps you should be a foreigner you would probably get the full monty.

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@Davehutch wrote:
just had a letter back from the council saying that they are not paying out , Sad Sad 

Have they give a reason for not paying out mate, or just the "not our usual practice to pay for such incidents"?

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@Davehutch wrote:
just had a letter back from the council saying that they are not paying out , Sad Sad 
Have they give a reason for not paying out mate, or just the "not our usual practice to pay for such incidents"?
just said that that no one else had reported it and would not be paying out on this this time, they got me to get 2 estimates a week or so ago as well

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@Davehutch wrote:
@Davehutch wrote:
just had a letter back from the council saying that they are not paying out , Sad Sad 
Have they give a reason for not paying out mate, or just the "not our usual practice to pay for such incidents"?
just said that that no one else had reported it and would not be paying out on this this time, they got me to get 2 estimates a week or so ago as well

The fact no-one has reported it is immaterial mate, they still have a responsibility to maintain the roads. Any previous reports would add weight to your case and any claim you would make.

Found this, if you fancy something to help you pass the time ..


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@dick65 wrote:
council cut backs censored 

if you do have the time and patience, follow the matter up further. They make a habit of rejecting most claims at first hurdle until you mention that your SOLICITOR ADVISED YOU ... cut backs are not a reason. Every ones wages have stagnated but we still pay our bills, they are no exception.

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i agree, I know I am biased, but just because no one else reported it does not mean it wasn't a bad pot hole! Also going to take a photo of the repair job they have done - they have tarmacked about 4 times the size the hole originally was, normally they just fill the hole - that has to say something! twits and I didn't fall of the Christmas tree are 2 phrases that spring to my mind. fighting fighting  am sure we wont get anywhere, but I think we should let them know, politely and courteously,of course, that they are talking a load of pants Very Happy 

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my boss said they always say that but if you say your taking it further then then think again as might not be worth the claim!

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