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Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC, 1 dead

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What a C**t im sure he would be dead if the bikers had got him .

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but why did they surround him! he was probably shitting a brick. when if he cut them up and their trying to smash into his car then thsts over the top if it was for a genuine reason fair enough. but personally if I had like 25+ bikers trying to smash into my car I would deffinatly be trying to get out the way!-

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What was the reasons leading up to this event?? Had he cut them up? Or had they just intimidated him?

Whatever reason he will do a long time in prison.

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Whatever reason he will do a long time in prison.[/quote]

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Shocked what a censored 

what ever the reasons were it doesn't give anyone the right to use there vehicle as a weapon

hope he gets prison for it

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depends when he could fight saying he was fleaing for his life!
Tbh Chad good point..be good to get the full story:shock: 

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@Stue11 wrote:
depends when he could fight saying he was fleaing for his life!
Tbh Chad good point..be good to get the full story:shock: 
yeah he might of been like cr*p and throttled it in panic. but on other hand he could have caused them to get angry, think both sides of story need to be heard! hate it when everyones jumping to conclusions, see it many times.

like local bloke villagers wanted him dead after he revered his car over a 3yr old and sadly killed him. he got blame etc. but they didn't listen to side that whys a 3 yr old out in the street in the evening un attended, turns out the let him go play out in the street with his 9 yr old sister. poor bloke couldn't even get to his house!

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Bikers behaving like arse holes.
The guy in front then brake-checked the Rangie.
I saw it as a genuine accident originaly on the guys part
that was caused by the idiots around him.

It then snowballed due to the mob mentality
and having a 5 year old in the car.

There are plenty of clips of similar "group rides"
in the US and it comes as no surprise this happened.

In the US, a good lawyer and he'll walk free.

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Bikers behaving like arse holes.
The guy in front then brake-checked the Rangie.
I saw it as a genuine accident originaly on the guys part
that was caused by the idiots around him.

It then snowballed due to the mob mentality
and having a 5 year old in the car.

There are plenty of clips of similar "group rides"
in the US and it comes as no surprise this happened.

In the US, a good lawyer and he'll walk free.
just shows ya then! getting hump on fb people saying he should die etc. if it was genuine accident, we all make mistakes, just some people take their retaliation too far!

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it happens a lot in america, they do these street rides, were groups of thousands of stunt riders, power rangers and squids join together to cause chaos and ride slowly or ride dangerously. TBF its no surprise, the range wanted to get out the way, they were blocking him in the group. Videos do not show the full story, but if you look on youtube for stuntride you will see what i meen.. They even gang up on police and do the exact same. I'm not siding with the car drive or bikers on this one.

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dickheads on bikes with a gang mentality looking for confrontation i'm guesing the guy panicked most people would put in that situation unlucky for him he killed someone knowing America he will probably claim self defence using deadly force.

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That was only my opinion.

I just saw him getting mobbed by bikes,
looks like one braked hard infront for no reason
other than intimidating him.

Guy had a child with him and panicked when he
found himself surrounded by a lynch mob.

Just my view on it.

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Gather that no one actually died. Initially looks like a bike brake checked him. I wonder if he tagged the back of the bike and set it all in motion? confused 

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lets face it you have got to be a total fecking dick to brake check a rangerover or any car for that matter when you're on a bike. its a no brainer you are gonna come off worse.

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On the video footage alone I would jail the fookin lot of them.

Talk about give bikers a bad name.smack 

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@haveugot1 wrote:
On the video footage alone I would jail the fookin lot of them.

Talk about give bikers a bad name.smack 

Gotta love the idiot who went too fast, skidded the bike, dropped it then tried to be manly and smash the car window.

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Just read bits of this and am trying to figure out exactly what happened. If the "first story" is true, then I can understand what and why they did what they did. Doesn't make it right but if some 4x4 ran over someone I was out with, I'd be after it like a shot.

Based on the "second story", the guy brake checks a 4x4, gets hit and comes off, then his mates surround the 4x4. Guy shouldn't be such a f censored g p censored  k !!  From the drivers perspective, if I was in a car with a gang around me and I had my wife and baby in the car, I'd probably want to be out of the way. Again, doesn't excuse what he did, but again I can see why.

Based on what I've read it's created a lot of intense and strong emotions in the US as well as here. The ignition point seems to be the guy brake checking the 4x4, but it's not clear whether he was knocked off or the 4x4 only nudged his bike. Think I will try and follow this and see where it goes.

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