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Had a text from oldfart (dennis) a pickup changed lanes without looking and knocked him in to the barriers , bikes a mess and he is in hospital being checked over , told him to keep me upto date , so will let you know when I know. suppose he is not too bad if he text me to tell me , well that's how I am looking at it at the moment

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Hi folks. One bent and bruised (but luckily not broken) Dennis here. Thank you for your messages. Much appreciated. Got hit by an LDV pickup. Claims he had to swerve to avoid a car coming down a slip road to his left. Police not too convinced. Hit me and knocked me in to the Armco barrier and was pinned by the bike. Luckily because of Easter traffic speed was only about 15-20 mph. I actually finished up laid over the barrier. Any faster and I would have cleared it into oncoming traffic.Fortunately got a couple of witnesses who also said he pulled into my lane. One said the rear of the bike lifted about 3ft. What a stoppie! lol According to police bike has sustained cosmetic damage. All the plastics and a broken brake lever. Hope I can get sorted for the TT!!!! Once again thanks everyone

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Just read this on the Facebook page. Glad Dennis OK and no major injuries   thumbs    thumbs

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Thank God yer o.k. buddy. must have shaken you up tho'... Shocked 

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Glad to hear your not to bad Den!  Shocked Shocked sometimes there is nothing we can do and someone else's irresponsibles driving can have severe consequences. Hope you get the bike up and running soon!  thumbs 

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