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Desiree (Starpop)

Superheros: who's your favorite?

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I don't know about you all, but growing up, I've always had a favorite action heroine that I wanted to be. ROGUE from X-Men was my favorite. With her toned body, intellect, and physical prowess, I thought she was the epitome of what all women should be. (In addition, I loved her red hair with two white streaks-I've never seen nothing like it! With her telekinetic powers, she was definitely in a "league of her own") With the new movie "The DARK KNIGHT" shattering box office records, one can believe that there are still many comicbook hero fans out there! Whether you like Batman, Aquaman, Spiderman, or Wonderwoman, we ALL have a little superhero inside of us!!! If you could be any one, who would it be and why? (I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR ANSWERS!

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Definately Lara Croft! She kicks butt! Sometimes i dream im her LOL. I like to think it means i kick butt in spiritual battle :-)!! Praise God for His Word and His power! I wouldnt be able to kick butt as Lara without Him! :lol:

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lol you're right about that Daphanie!! Take it by force!!! Its so cool to have God by our side fighting every battle!! Today, the story of David and Goliath was heavy on my heart. David had nothing but supreme faith in God, he knew that he couldn't fight even his worst circumstance without God's help. There's a verse in psalms that says, "only God can aide us" and I definitely believe that! ONLY GOD can fight our batte...ONLY GOD can protect us...ONLY GOd can provide for us the things that we don't have or need to know! HE IS AN AWESOME WONDER and I'm so thankful that our battles belong to GOD and he's already won them!! HALELULIA...I'm going to shout!!!lol

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Ha - this is a funny thread! I have always been into superheros, which my parents thought was so odd since I'm a girl I guess.

But anyway, whenever I played superheros, I was always Batman, or should I say, Batgirl. I have always been totally in love Batman. In the words of the joker, he has the most wonderful toys!! It's funny because now my son is really into superheros, more specifically, the Transformers, and he always asks, "What transformer are you today?" He's usually Optimus Prime and I'm usually Megatron, because I'm so mean I guess.

I actually just blogged about it and even photoshopped our photos onto the Transformers - it was hilarious!! Here's the link for all you Transformer fans - http://seekersrattlings.blogspot.com/2008/07/what-kind-of-transformer-are-you.html

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The transformer's movie was pretty good-I felt like a kid again!!Lol (I have to say, I do LOVE batman-he's dark and mysterious, but nothin weak!!) thanks for your response

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Ok if I had to pick it would be Wonder Woman. I thought her outfit was so cool and I loved her invisible jet. LOL! ROFL!!! rofl


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Yeah that girl is a wonder woman. She is awesome. She played the role like it was actually her or at least I thought so.

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Wonder Woman was my favorite. I liked how she would make people tell the truth with her lasso, and use her bracelets to deflect bullets. I even had the doll, I think it was by Barbie. thumbs


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Bracelets that deflect bullets-so cool and sooo feminine!!!lol... I love when women rule!!!lol ...I still love you GUYS out there though-what would we women do without you?!! thanks for your response

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hey d,soltn .welcome 2 my world,wont you step on in,miricles occur ,everynow an then, flower flower D

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um i also like a kids movie where these toys come to life,some marines[tommy lee jones] and other toys do battle in a house, but cant rememba the movie,help any one? thinking

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