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Hi all did u miss me

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Hi all

i truly hope some of u remeber me :friends:

i want to start by saying so sorry i have not been on in a long time firstly i lost allmy internet connections then i lost intrest in the game and things Ashamed

i wanted to pop in and say hi :friends:
so helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :friends:

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hey stranger ....lovely to see you again ...hope you're gonna hang around with us for a while xxxx

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i am thanks for the re welcome congratulations

i see gia lastnight in playfish and she give my memory a jult lol congratulations xx

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are you still playing the game??? anthing you have missed out on that we could maybe help you with ??

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i re joined the game about 2 weeks ago but i think i have caught up just about lol ,, thankfully the forums on playfish have been crazy for prices so been able to afford to catch up hahahaah congratulations xx

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yeah ..its been good for us buyers , not so good for the seller!!! (genuine sellers that is ...not cloners !!)

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i know i have a spooky lava lamp it cost me 50 x 4999s hahaha

i would be lucky to get 10 x 999s for it now :girl_werewolf:
haha oh well cant complain got everything we have ever wanted i.e monster couches ect

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hi stranger!!!
Welcome back

How is everything with you??

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Gaiamaiden wrote:
Told you people missed ya hun congratulations welcome back!! xx

u did :friends:

hey lea im very good thankyou :friends: :friends:

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hi- i think i am already on your friends list - so if there is anything you need let me know. i try and buy the odd spare xx

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thanks billbo good to be back and thankyou liz for your kindness :friends:

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