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My friend who has cancers update on what is taking place.

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Hi my precious friends,

Last Sunday, A group of us who once was apart of a woman's worship group got together to visit a friend of ours who has cancer and has less then two months left to live now it is looking way less then that. When we all came together around our beloved friend the power of the Holy spirit showed up in the room his presence was so beautiful and powerful as we prayed for our friend to live! We have contended for her miracle with her. We have declared resurrection life and power into her body. We called out for His kingdom to come and for His will to be done in her body as it is in heaven.

It was not easy for me personally to watch my dear friend look so sick, and helpless, and for her to slur her speech, and can no longer walk. This women has been an awesome example of the Lord in my life and even as she has walked through this illness. We have tried to keep our eyes not fixed on what we see here on earth in front of us, but what is in seen in heaven. It seems that every time we get together and pray and worship around her that she becomes worse. I know that no matter what he has her, and he loves her.

I do not understand the Lords ways nor do I understand why these things happen to his beloved children. I am limited in my understanding as the Lord says in his word."I see through a glass dimly." I know many of us have desired to see the healings and the resurrection power of raising the dead in America. I am one of those. I know of many who have pressed in their whole Christian walk to see these things. I know when we do not see these things take place with the ones that we love we tend to wonder and lose hope if we will ever see it in America.

One thing I do know in my heart is he is God and I am not. He does things different then what we think. He knows all things and see's all things. He has the ultimate plan. I was watching one night in a hotel room Evan Almighty, where God came into his life, and called Evan to his destiny in building an Ark. Evan rebelled against the call at first but Evans heart was to change the world. God answered that call by asking him to build an Ark. Finally when Evan responds to the call his whole life gets turned upside down and he looses everything including his family. Evan has no idea why he is doing what he is doing but God had the ultimate plan, but Evan would not find that out until he walked it out to the end. In the end God revealed the ultimate plan and it was not the way Evan saw it or had it pictured in his mind.

I know this movie messed me up even though it was a comedy because no matter the cost the plan in the end is the ultimate in Him.

Thanks for letting me share a little of my heart with you that no matter what he is God.

My friend who has cancer her name is Jeanine please partner with us in prayer for his resurrection power to come and restore her body back to divine health and life. we are going over again this Sunday to worship and pray for her. We love her and will continue to contend for her.


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Father God,
In the name of Jesus, you know all things and that I am thankful. Father, you said whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth is loosed in Heaven. Right now I stand firmly on your word that you have personally taught me. I come against this form of cancer and I rebuke it in the name of Jesus. I bind up this cancer in Jeanie's body and I loose your divine healing from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. I speak life into this woman, I speak strength, I speaking complete healing powers. She is being made whole even as I pray for your miraculous touch. Father, You said by my stripes you are healed, and in the Name of Jesus I speak it and I believe it and now I am declaring it for and upon Jeanie. Your arm is not too short that you can not deliever this lady. Father, I want this to be a iracle that all who are around her and hears her, astonish them. Show forth your mighty strength and healing powers. I boldly ask you because you have said to come before you boldly. I believe with all my heart and Father I ask right now as I pray that you will step into the room where ever she is and reveal yourself to her in a mighty, mighty way. In the Name of Jesus I pray. It is finished, Amen!!!

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Thank you Lord for your goodness and kindness toward us Lord. We thank you that it is your will that proceeds all things. We thank you Lord for Jeanine and thank you Lord that by your stripes she was healed. You already paid the price Lord and she is already healed. Father I pray that she receive that truth in her spirit man. Father I thank you that she will live and not die even if her body would die Father her soul belongs to you. Father I thank you that our thoughts are not your thoughts and that our plans are not your plans. Father I thank you that you will give her strength and courage and peace which surpasses all understanding. Father thank you that you love her with an everlasting love and that it is so real in her life that she feels nothing but that love and that all fear and pain are gone in Jesus name. Father we come against the spirit of infirmity and all associated spirits and command them mute, useless and cancel all assignments and send them to the feet of Jesus right now for judgment. We forbid any physical manifestations in her body right now. We ask the blood of Jesus be poured into her and fill any voids where the enemy was and I pray there is a refreshing of the Holy Ghost in her life. I pray the refreshing to overflow. I pray the Holy Ghost rains down in her room right now. Father I also thank you for sending her friends to surround her and show her the love she needs to give her the strength she needs. Father bless each one and give them strength and courage to stand against the enemy and with their friend and to continue to give her the support she needs right now. Father you are so good to us. We give you glory and honor and praise for your wonderful works you have done and are doing in our lives. Father we pray that her life is a living testimony to your wonderful works.

In Jesus name Amen

Your servant,

Connie praying praying praying

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Thank you Connie,

I so appreciate all your prayers. Today I got an update on her and it is not good.crying She is going down hill so quickly and it hard to watch. I have been crying allot lately crying as I have watched my close family members die from this horrible disease. I am trying to stay in the word and stand on his promises but find myself broken before him.

Thanks again this is an awesome family of God he has placed her for me and the others I cherish all of you.

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HIs beauty,
I completely understand how you are feeling right now. I lost both of my grandmothers and an uncle to this disease. I am praying for you and for your friend. One thing that I had to understand when it came to my grandmother was that, being that she was a woman of faith....I knew that despite what I wanted or what my family wanted, she was ready to go. And I have to accept the fact that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Your friend is healed just as my grandmother is healed. Its like you said earlier we don't understand all God's ways, and we will miss her prescence, however rest in the fact that if she is not healed here, where she is going, she will know no more pain, no more sorrow, etc. And you will see her again. God bless you.

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Thanks yes I ponder these things. I just hurt for her and her family. I have lost a few family members too from Cancer and it is not an easy thing to walk through.

Thanks for the encouragement.

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Hi my beloved friends who have kept my friend and her family in prayer. I just received word that she has less then two or three days to live. I am personally standing on the word of the Lord and trusting and knowing he is my Father of the 12th hour.

I can not lie and say I am not hurting inside to see someone I love decline like she has. crying

Please continue praying and thanks again for all your love and support.


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