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Father God,

We come before you this evening Lord to lift our dear brother Dreamster before you! Father, we know that all good things come from you and that you will never leave us or forsake us! Father, we thank you that Dreamster is blessed coming in and going out and that all he puts his hands to he prospers. Father we thank you that you already have the perfect job lined up for him and that it will come to him at the perfect time. I bless Dreamster with favor from man and God and for open doors of opportunity and for wisdom to walk into those doors. I pray that people seek him out before he seeks them for employment because the blessing of favor is so upon him now. Father I bless those who bless him! I bless him with plenty and with the ability to meet every need for you are Jehovah Jireh his provider.

Father all glory and honor belong to you for you are worthy of our praise!

In Jesus name

your servant, connie praying

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Me too, but my novel is almost finished. I lift up everyone who could use a little extra change in the name of Jesus.

I'm not scared of the economy. Not when I have a God of the Impossible.

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Praying for You Dreamster, praying The Favor of God is on your side Amen

God Bless You
Dreamer praiseGod

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Praying for You Dreamster, praying The Favor of God is on your side Amen

God Bless You
Dreamer praiseGod

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Did not mean to send Twice, THAT MEANS A DOUBLE BLESS! LOL

Dreamer lol!

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Father, we thank you for who you are and all that you do to bless us. You are more than worthy to be praised. Holy and sovereign is your name. We thank you that we can come to Your throne and cast our cares upon You. Thank you Father for Your gentle spirit. Thank you Father that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Father, I lift my brother Dreamster to you this evening seeking provision in the form of a new job. Father, you know the plans that you have for Dreamster, plans to prosper him and not harm him, to give him a future and a hope. Father, you are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. All the days ordained for Dreamster were written in your book before one of them came to be so we know that this job loss is part of what’s already been written.

We know that Dreamster’s steps are ordered by You, Lord. Though he may fall, you uphold him with Your hand and make firm his steps. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness! Thank you Father for your loving kindness! Thank you Lord for the preparations you are making right now for Dreamster and his new job. Bring those people and situations that will help move him towards the job that You have for him Lord. Remove any obstacle that stands between Dreamster and the job that You have set aside for him, Lord. Father, we know that you will supply all Dreamster’s needs through your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Just as You provided manna to the Israelites for 40 years after You brought them out of Egypt and sustained them before they entered Canaan, we’re believing You to provide manna to Dreamster and his family as they wait for Your new assignment.

Lord God, we rejoice because we do not have to worry for You know Dreamster’s needs. We rejoice in knowing that You are taking this situation and working it for Dreamster’s good, Lord God! We rejoice in knowing that no matter how rocky this storm becomes, You will bring calm because everything must fall under Your order! Your name is the name above all other names and we glorify Your name! Hallelujah! In Jesus’ wondrous name, Amen!

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Father God, I pray for Your provision for Dreamster. I ask You to place him in a job that grants him freedom to speak about You, where he can shine Your light, and that will enable him to grow spiritually. I ask that this new job be a secure one, that he will have favor with his new boss, and he will be doing work that is meaningful to him and allows for his creativity, and work he's good at doing. I ask that this work would bless him financially even more than he expects so he can use it to bless others. I pray Your will be done for Dreamster. I pray these things in Jesus holy name, amen.

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