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Not feeling so good lately

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cold I am in very much need of prayer these days...I'm getting older in life and things just don't opperate like they used-to, oh well I intend to grow old gracefully, amen~.......I've been under the weather with the flu for the last couple of weeks, I just can't seem to shake it. I really would appreciate your intercession for me at this time. God Bless

Sincerly, Halo

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I will go to my prayer closet in a minute and lift you up. Remember by His stripes you were healed.

Love in Jesus,

Connie praying

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good advice, Butterfly! thumbs

Halo, please do go...if it's lingering, it could lead to bronchitis if not pneumonia...neither one is good...

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Breaking all word curses in Jesus name. I speak health over you right now in Jesus name because He already healed you. It was accomplished on the Cross. According to Luke 10:19 We have ALL power against the enemy (spirit of infirmity go in Jesus name) and nothing will by any means harm us. Father we thank you for all you are doing in Halo's life and thank you for healing her.

In Jesus name, Amen

Love in Jesus,

Connie praying

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happy dance Praise God, Praise God, strength is being restored...feeling much better this afternoon...I can even taste my food now, body achs and pains are becomming less, I don't even have a temperature anymore.....Thank you all very much!!!!

I think I might be able to do the Hulla-Hoop.....I think I'll hold off on that a little-while....lol


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Baby steps Halo, baby steps... lol!

Let the hula wait until Wednesday... rofl

Glad to hear that you're feeling better...Praise the Lord!!!

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