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Why Does God Treat Women Better Than Men?

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why is God biased like this?

i have seen this time and time again where i will ask of God and then a woman will do the EXACT SAME THING yet she will get results whereas i do not.

God will do ANYTHING for his little middle aged women but nothing for anyone else.

why is this?

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Let's not forget about Elijah. He prayed that it wouldn't rain...It didn't rain for years. He prayed for rain...and guess what...it rained. 👏

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What about Jesus Himself? He was here as man and the Father answered His prayers. That poor little boy would have had to go back home with his two fish and 5 loaves...not to forget those thousands of people would have starved...

God help us to remember that you are NOT a respector of persons!! Your desire to bless us was shown in the finished work of Your Son Jesus Christ. Help us NOT to discredit all that You have done for us...

Keep on Faithing...

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i should also mention age....that's probably what i really wanted to get at.

God treats adults better than young people.

you all treat each other better than the younger members here.

why is this?

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God says in Acts 10:34-35, that God doesn't show favoritism. In your opinion, it may seem to you that God treats people differently but he doesn't. Everyone (includes young, old, female, male, etc) that accepts God as their personal savior and lives according to his word and commands will have access to his blessings and his favor.

The bible says that (paraphrase) "God doesn't treat us as our sins deserve", so because of God's mercy we don't get the punishment that matches the crime even though we are disciplined (because he loves us) Hebrews 12:5-9)...Its people that treat eachother differently and with biase.

Oh my gosh! I just realized I said similar to what cholette said without even reading! GLORY! :PTL:

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i have noticed that a certain clique of people on here shun everyone else.

whenever one of you posts a dream on here, the rest in your fabricated little power group rapidly respond but you all ignore everyone else's posts.

just bringing all of this to your attention.

if you've all done this unintentionally then i will retract my statements, but the point remains...this IS taking place.

do you like that?! do you like that!?

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Excuse me, but I don't feel like anybody is "shunning" a particular person or group here. Not all posts are answered because God more than likely hasn't given an interpretation yet.

We are a group that focuses on love and uplifting one another. We bring glory to God--for it is he that gives us understanding of our dreams and visions--not ourselves. So, if you have an unanswered post--wait on God to answer you. Don't give up hope--and while you wait, seek God out for yourself. If you are sincere, the Lord will bring clarity and understanding (he did it for me).

I ask though that you refrain from typing "negative commenting" in your posts. Please don't bash anyone or point blame. If you have a concern you can email a moderator(s) personally. If you personally felt like someone was ignoring you intentionally or otherwise beforehand, why didn't you email one or all of the moderators to express this point? I am sure that we wouldn't have minded at all and your concern would have been answered accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Please, lets remain respectful and lovely towards one another to continue to make not only Mia proud, but our father as well!

desiree (starpop)

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As a moderator I would like to address that thisisSparta. I respond as the Holy Spirit would lead. Many times I want to respond but I do not have that lead from the Holy Spirit to do so.

Sorry if that made you feel shunned in some way but it is certainly not our intent to do so.

Love in Jesus,


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THis is Sparta,
I wanted to note one thing, you said that God treats adults better than he does children. That is not true. God loves children. In Mark, 10, Jesus blessed the children. But also, as stated above, God is no respecter of persons. Think about it, God raised Lazarazus (an adult) from the dead, as well as a 12 year old girl. What he can do for an adult, he can also do for a young person. The enemy would want you to believe that. Timothy was a young man, and God used him mightily. Just keep on seeking God. Check your motives to make sure that they are pure when you pray. God is so wonderful! He listens to our prayers, and he honors them, in His timing. Do you belive for what you ask for when you pray? That is key also. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Keep praying, hoping, beliving, God will come through for you.

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Gosh dude!

I personally read and respond to some people. If I do not feel led to do so .I cannot do so in all honesty.

I personally do not know people on this sight. So I speak for my self.

If you feel as angry as you sound.

I would encourage you to go off with your bible. And seek the Lord. He is a big boy and he can handle what you have to say.

Your victory is in…. finding in him a place of confession and prayer .

Be honest and he will show up.

It may really seem you are passed by. But you are here seeking answers…RIGHT? Then listen with your hart what is said.


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Sparta...God has been showing me that we all need to assess our foundations...God was sharing with me that so many of His children were not getting all that they desire because their foundations are broken and hole filled. It was a revelation to me. If you want to hear what God shared with me It was posted this morning under BUILDING OUR FOUNDATION IN CHRIST JESUS. I would love you to prophet (I mean profit) from all that God Has for you. Bless you, In CHrist Jesus

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