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Praying for a partner

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My boyfriend passed on last year in February 2008; I have been single for a while.

I met this guy at the conference and I think he can make a good partner. There was such a connection when we met. We did not have enough time to chat but we exchanged telephone numbers.

I have prayed to God to show me the sign if he is the right partner for me by meeting with him for the second time. It happened, I met him at the airport and we had a chat and we were on the same flight.

Please pray with me that God may show me the light and His will must done. thumbs

kind regards,

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Keep your eyes open and make sure if there are any signs that are questionable don't overlook them. We as women LOVE to fix people and feel as if we can "change" someone. Just know that the man God has for you will make you both feel like you are a part of each other (i.e. Adam's rib being used to create Eve). When Adam saw Eve he knew she was the one...there was no question. If you have questions...check them now before going any further.

Just my opinon...praying for you sweety!!

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WOW Choletee...That helped me. I just kicked my boyfriend to the curb because I feel that there is someone better for me out there, somewhere. I think I tried fixing him too, but he wouldn't fix. It took some circumstances to open my eyes...right before we were going to get married.

Thank you for sharing about Adam and Eve...I will go back to that story to see if God opens it up for me.

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think God is using this real life story to shake me up and wake me up!
I am praying about the man I am with but you know I really think that it takes time....sorry if others disagree here, but sometimes God allows you to go out with someone so you can see whether they are right for you..sometimes we want answers straight away, but in going out with this man I am with I am learning that I need to treat others with alot more care and respect than what I thought was required.

Still not sure if he is "the one" but I do know he is a gentle soul who I like very much and love and am learning about how God wants us to treat Him in this situation. Anyhow getting off the track....my friend I truly believe love is a choice and that if you go out with a man (tree) look at what he does(fruit).........this will tell you whether he is the one for you......."you shall know a tree by its fruit".......

Bless you

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Thank you Cholette, Jadams, LovetoworshipJesus and Clairephillipia.

Cholette that is so true, I am praying to the Lord to guide me in this regard.

"you shall know a tree by its fruit"....... I like that

He who find a wife rcv favor from the LOrd Hallelujah :cute:

Jadams thanks for sharing

I will continue praying about this.

Lots of love,

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Hiya....there is some beautiful input going on here. I wanted to add that in 2000, I was going to marry the love of my life. I had never been loved so well before. He was saved, but God wanted me to know that he didn't love God, and therefore, couldn't love me the way I was supposed to be loved. God let me know that if I was to marry him, our roles would be reversed. Instead of he being to me what Jesus Christ was to the church, I would be to him what Jesus Christ was to the church. He had hidden motives, and I kept dreaming about him wearing a mask. A prophetess Green told me in great detail things that I was in denial about. Had I married him, sure, God would have honoured it, but I would have suffered greatly in the process. Our heart wants what our heart wants. That's because the heart is wicked and no one knows the heart but God. So, I would ask God to show me the man's heart for God and the things of God. Ask God to send you the one for you. I don't have anything against dating, but the majority of the time, dating will not show you that person's labor. We are to know those who labor among us. Concurrently, we should try to be equally yoked. I have yet to have to search out people's motives after that time, because God reveals the good, the bad, the ugly, and orders my steps. All that without me having to fault find or be uncertain or mistake evil for good. If you wait on God to have your Boaz find you, you just simply cannot go wrong, no matter how long it seems you are waiting. In the meanwhile, it is good for you to immerse yourself in the pursuit and works of the Lord, when you are single. It is the greatest thing a young person could ever do in their lives before they are married. It gives us the opportunity to be added to in every area of our lives, and establishes the priorities of the kingdom in our lives. Then, when it is time to marry, we will be able to be whole and wholly committed to the marriage, but at the same time, we know that God is our fulfiller and sustainer, and source for all things. Therefore, we will not look to our mate to do these things, but rather, we will only look to them to fulfill the roles that God has ordained for us to fulfill. To be helpmeets to each other. To work in the ministry that God has given us. To have godly children. To be an example of Christ and his bride. We are not yet perfect and I am not trying to deceptively say that we will be perfect when it is time to marry. But I can say that this is the expectation for all marriages and not the exception. Sorry this was so long...But I am also sorry for your loss. I pray that God continues to heal your heart and emotions, and that you remember the good times. That you continue to laugh and celebrate. But wait on God to yoke you.

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Pheh... I've given up on waiting. If God wants to yolk me, he'll do it... right now I can't afford to worry about much. No use searching for a diamond when you end up wanting to cut it yourself. God will drop him off when I'm ready, but right now I'm just sick of it.

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Vile wrote:
Pheh... I've given up on waiting. If God wants to yolk me, he'll do it... right now I can't afford to worry about much. No use searching for a diamond when you end up wanting to cut it yourself. God will drop him off when I'm ready, but right now I'm just sick of it.

Thanks, LOLA21st, my ace. I am laughing about what Vile wrote. She always cracks me up. I need just a cd of her performance. rofl

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yeah hislightbeam had alot of wosdom to impart and well Viles comments were funny...... rofl you know God knows we have desires and if we seek Him first I am sure we will n ot have to ignore the diamond........

JUst been to a wedding where I was bridesmaid last night and it was done the right way......my friend had had an aweful time with her ex and then a year later found MR right...........so don't completley swing the pendulem Vile, God does not want you to ditch your desires, just prioritise them!

I wish life was like a box of chocolates, but i really think that we get what we believe for in life.......so if we believe for a husband then I gather we must be patient along the way........Vile be patient mate and fort he rest of us too, I am saying that including myself..........haha


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Thank you HisLightbeam, I will certainly wait for God's will. Thanks for wise words and guidance. God bless you.

Lots of love,

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