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Linda Irish

Can't Always Get everything right.....

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This is the forum where we can get to know each other right? So I was having a private laugh to myself that I thought that I would share with you too. My little grandson has just started a CHristian pre-school a few weeks ago. This is a big deal in our family. Kio is learning how to pray prayers with his classmates and is now sharing his prayers with all of us (God is good God is great, thank you for our food, Amen. In addition he is learning manners, thanky you, sorry, excuse me...you get the picture. Sometimes Kio forgets exactly the right words to say...but he is working on it and mom and dad are helping. This is all "big boy" stuff that he is trying to do his best. Well my daughter called me today to tell me that yesterday when Kio was spending time with his mommy and dad....he accidently had a little gas, "Kio, what do we say?" my daughter gently asked him, and after a thoughtful moment my little grandson earnestly and quietly said, "amen"

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I LOVE THE BABIES!!!!! They are so innocent and just cuuuuuute!!!!! Thanks for sharing this Linda...if you don't mind, I must past this along to a couple of friends...they will get a kick out of it...

Thank you Kio for giving me my laugh today...you are so cute!!

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That's just adorable, so cute and funny!

Thanks for sharing!

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