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Lately I know I have been having dreams but keep waking and forgetting them

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Lately I have been having loads of dreams and some I am certain were God given. Thing is, I keep waking up and forgetting them. Mostly due to my sons waking me or the phone, or alarm clock. Even without any of this, I have been totally forgetting the dream when I wake up. A friend of mine a while back told me not to worry.. I would thus have like Dajavu and the dream would come back to me when whatever came to pass. Even knowing this.. which I use to have a lot as a child.. Dajavu..not so much any more. Don't know what do about forgetting the dream when I wake up..and it is bugging me more then a little. HELP!!! Any thoughts on this...?? I know prayer indeed.. Any other thoughts on this that might would help?? Perhaps you all can pray for me on this?? There are times when I go through times with forgetting my dreams and then it goes away.. It is still unsettling to me though. Just don't want to miss out on anything that God may be speaking to me about. Actually have several major decisions to make that are critical to everyone around me. So have been in prayer for God's direction and usually God shows me in my dreams. So this is why it is bothering me so much more so lately.

Thank you!!!!



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Hi Shofar -

I go through periods of this as well. There are a couple of things that I do. First, of course, is prayer. Connie suggested this a while ago - plead the blood of Jesus over your bedroom, over your dreams/visions, thoughts, etc. and pray that you would be able to remember your dreams and any message that God is trying to relay to you. It has helped me tremendously.

Also, I tend to be the type of dreamer who forgets the dream within seconds of waking up. So I have a voice recorder on my bedside table and as soon as I wake up, I speak into the recorder so that my dream is captured. (This was recommended to me by Daph/Laura Boaz, the site Sr moderator) I find that I am able to keep a lot of the details of the dream when I do this. You can get them for as little as 19.99 at WalMart or around $99 and above if you want additional features like being able to keep the file as a .wav file which you can store on your computer. I personally am more a visual person so I transcribe my dreams into a private dream blog that I created on Google.

Hope this helps!

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Actually I do pray always deeply before I go to sleep but will give even further prayer on this Lola.. Most of the time when I do have particularly deep dreams from the Lord, these usually impact me enough that I don't forget and in fact, many of them are in deep detail, others?? Immediately after I have a dream, I get up and I write/type whatever right then and I muse over the dream deeply.. Will do this, in pleading the blood of Yeshua over my bedroom as I have actually done this a few times and lately it has slipped my mind in doing so. Also my daughter in law, had her cat dropped off here a few months ago by her dad.. and somehow I think this cat may have something to do with this.. Strange as it may seem, demonic spirits can attach themselves to animals and even though this cat is far from mean, she sleeps under my bed and in fact hides there constantly.. and thinking about finding a new home for this cat. Can't put words to this.. perhaps a strong impression you could say?? SO this is the other thing that lingers in the back of my mind as well. Will continue to pray over this and if you would also all whom read this, would you also pray over me, this bedroom and my home..??

Thank you Lola.. :)



lola21st wrote:
Hi Shofar -

I go through periods of this as well. There are a couple of things that I do. First, of course, is prayer. Connie suggested this a while ago - plead the blood of Jesus over your bedroom, over your dreams/visions, thoughts, etc. and pray that you would be able to remember your dreams and any message that God is trying to relay to you. It has helped me tremendously.

Also, I tend to be the type of dreamer who forgets the dream within seconds of waking up. So I have a voice recorder on my bedside table and as soon as I wake up, I speak into the recorder so that my dream is captured. (This was recommended to me by Daph/Laura Boaz, the site Sr moderator) I find that I am able to keep a lot of the details of the dream when I do this. You can get them for as little as 19.99 at WalMart or around $99 and above if you want additional features like being able to keep the file as a .wav file which you can store on your computer. I personally am more a visual person so I transcribe my dreams into a private dream blog that I created on Google.

Hope this helps!

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You're welcome!

Also, I understand what you mean about the cat...my menace are the neighbor's dogs (3) who bark in the early hours of the am...I've not gotten a good night's sleep in a long time...have called animal control and it seems to have gotten better over the last few weeks...we'll see....

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Lola I will most certainly pray for you on this.. WoW.. that is horrible to have to deal with that.. as I feel your pain on this!!!

Well I will most certainly have to deal with this cat of my daughter in laws.. as this too is causing me great pain as well.. so this is something that needs to be dealt with.

Thank you for your thoughts..!!!



lola21st wrote:
You're welcome!

Also, I understand what you mean about the cat...my menace are the neighbor's dogs (3) who bark in the early hours of the am...I've not gotten a good night's sleep in a long time...have called animal control and it seems to have gotten better over the last few weeks...we'll see....

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Daughter has 4 teeth comming in, sleep is not an option.

I learned way before I accepted Christ, that I could manipulate and interact with my dreams.
I dont do that now, but I have been able to interpret some while dreaming.
I can remember what I was being told, but cant remember the dream.
This only works for me with the easy dreams. The ones where God is more direct with what he is saying.

I have no clue if this is normal, But if your aware of the dream as your dreaming it, try to pay attention to what is being shown to you, instead of the dream itself.

I would like to add, your spirit is in constant contact with the Holy Spirit. It is the flesh that is seperated, but is still in constant contact with your spirit.
You may miss the dream, but your spirit didnt.
So if your spirit has herd what was being said, then have you not herd the word given to you.
I belive, some words are for the flesh and some are for the spirit.

I hope that made sense.

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So you reminded me again what happens when babies start getting their teeth in.. Oh man to think what will be when my grandson's teeth start to come in.. He sleeps most of the time next to my room. Long story.. As it is I get tooo little sleep,.. hmmm!!!

Understand on all counts what you are saying here, at least to some degree.. There have been very, very few times that I have been able to step back while in the dream to do what you are saying.. Most interesting though as that is awesome to be able to pay attention to what is being said over just the dream itself. The other night I know I had a dream, but could not remember what the dream was about, yet.. I awoke with a sense of what the dream was about, but even more then that, scriptures and I learned whatever, it was like the unseen, in a deep spirit dimension if that makes sense??!! Actually have had a few of these lately.. Both of those times issued some pretty deep stuff.. and in one of those times I fell back to sleep and God issued forth another dream that I did remember and wow.. This in fact confirmed I think whatever the first dream must of been and also a deep understanding of something came forth from the first dream that I couldn't remember at all. It was pretty amazing actually. The other time, I didn't remember the dream, but remembered the theme and the content of what must have been taught to me as all of the sudden I realized something that I never understood before.. and actually was meant to or for another dream I had a long time ago.. and also in part an understanding of a relationship with a friend of mine indirectly. It is hard to explain but it was to teach and show me something yet I didn't remember the dream.., but perhaps what it must of meant or something.. because what issued forth was like a word of knowledge from it, if that makes any sense??

You said pay attention to what is being told to you instead of the dream.. hmmm I have been told to do that.. and also the details. That is hard for me to do.. My sleep is so deep.. and I am so out when I do dream most of the time... so I dunno.. interesting thought. When I first started getting dreams from God, I could do more of that, now it is a lot harder to be just in the dream.. and stand back like that.. Now that I have had dozens of dreams.. Dunno??!!! Will pray that God allows for me to do this..

Yes, I agree my spirit doesn't miss whatever and realize this in a deep way some how.. now that you bring this up.. hmmm!!! As I have said in other postings.. a friend of mine said to me, don't worry if you can't remember.. you'll remember it often times when the dream comes to pass, it'll be like Dajavu. When you think about that, it is very interesting. As a young girl I use to have Dajavu all the time.. Now not so much. My son gets this all the time though.

Thank you very much True Flight!! This was very insightful!!!



True Flight wrote:
Daughter has 4 teeth comming in, sleep is not an option.

I learned way before I accepted Christ, that I could manipulate and interact with my dreams.
I dont do that now, but I have been able to interpret some while dreaming.
I can remember what I was being told, but cant remember the dream.
This only works for me with the easy dreams. The ones where God is more direct with what he is saying.

I have no clue if this is normal, But if your aware of the dream as your dreaming it, try to pay attention to what is being shown to you, instead of the dream itself.

I would like to add, your spirit is in constant contact with the Holy Spirit. It is the flesh that is seperated, but is still in constant contact with your spirit.
You may miss the dream, but your spirit didnt.
So if your spirit has herd what was being said, then have you not herd the word given to you.
I belive, some words are for the flesh and some are for the spirit.

I hope that made sense.

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Sometimes God also purposely prevents us from remembering our dreams because it is not the right time for us to remember.

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The same things been happening to me..I either dont remember the dream, or I remember it for a little while & then i'll forget..this has been happening for almost a month now its very frustrating to me.

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Hi this used to happen to me and it annoyed me because I knew God was saying something important. anyhoo I finally clicked and prayed about remebering my dreams (took a little while) then one night I dreamt I was writing down my dreams and ever since then either remember them (although have to journal) or I pray and remember during my prayer time.

Keep on with it , i think its part of the training process.

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