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Need Advice

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I have been out of depression now for about two weeks, I need advice on how not to let myself slip back into it.

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Let me recommend that you read a post that True Flight started in the "Fellowship Hall" forum entitled "Easter Weekend, A Time For Tears?" I pray that it helps you in some way to go to the cross and remember all that Jesus Christ did for you.

Blessings to you and I am praying for you!!!

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hi k/b,,um ther a lotta things u can do,,ive battled this 4 yrs,, ,,each persons jounry outta this condion is unique,,althogh im sure ther r similarities,,,i hadda breakthru onli a week ago,,goin 2 a conf wher depression was called out,,alotta ppl went up,so i wood suggest prayer first,, from an annoited person, ,,then its renewing ur thort patterns on wat was making u deppressed,,and not going ther,,thatsa tuffi. um ask the lord 4 a rhema word 4 urself personaly,,u need an anchor 4 ur soul,, praying in tungs[ ] is good,,comedy helps,,a merry heart doth good likea medicene,, ,,im not saying ive arrived but im feeling good,, hope that helps D,

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Depression is a nasty business. I discovered it has a lot to do with the way you think and the thoughts you entertain. Positive thinking is a key - but also to get to the roots of what thought pattern are triggering the depression off. We often have deep rooted strongholds(thought patterns) that need to be dealt with and they are normally a result of childhood issues - circumstances thru life. Pay attention to what keeps on bringing you down. Get a journal and write down what you are thinking and ask the Lord to renew all the thought patterns that are not of him -and healing in areas that need healing. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. TRY turn everything into something good - just as GOD does with us.

Rom 8V 28 – And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. NLT

The verse above says that God turns all situations and circumstances into something positive for His children. I want to swing this around and say the ball in now in your court. Lets take a character trait of God – and work towards becoming like Him. Finding the positive in everything – and turning the negative into something worthwhile. You can either be in survival mode IN YOUR circumstances/life – or you can be like father God and turn it into something beautiful to enjoy, seeking ways to make it GOOD. Let me give you and example; My baby developed a habit – whilst I had a lack of support and sleep – husband was not around – to wake up at 4 in the morning. This was not happening before and you can expect to get added pressure in circumstances when it feels like you can’t take anymore. So I would tediously try and get him to fall asleep again – holding him, trying everything so I could get more sleep – this did not work and by the time he fell asleep I had to wake up for my day to begin anyway. The result – wasted time – fustration. So I decided to turn it into something poistive and I said to the Lord that clearly I’m being woken for a reason – I’m going to use it for more time in prayer. This produced such good fruit at the time It really helped me in the situation to be victrious like only prayer can. And so I continued to find the silver lining – I searched for ways to turn everything into GOOD – as my Father does in my life. This helps us to keep a positive attitude and keeps circumstances from predicting how we should be feeling. YOUR ATTITUDE DETERMINES YOUR ALTITUDE – so fly high everyone – look beyond the window pain – there is a beautiful sky above with open air.

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AWESOME Nicky....way to hit the nail on the head with that one!
Everyone is right on here Kbrooks. I've battled depression before and I understand how you feel...worrying about it hitting you again. I would really take the advice that was given here.
I sometimes have brief moments of letting my negative thoughts change my emotions (like yesterday lol) but I've learned to lean on the promises of God. Spending time with HIM does wonders, thats for sure.
The second you feel like your heading to that dark place.....you can say "Hey...I'm not going there again!!" Begin declaring the positive, even if it means literally speaking OUT LOUD. And as Nicky said....search for ways to turn everything into good.
God Bless, I will be praying for you.

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