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the Old Testament has plenty to say on the abuse of power and govt.
I can't think right now about what Jesus spoke of in regards to abuse of power.

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all politics start at the local level, We need to take those positions back and work our way to the top.
It may take time.

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Its time to go, This stuff must happen.
I don't like it either.
But we shouldn't worry about it.
Jesus would say "Look up, for your redemption draweth near"

Not to quote a movie or anything, but, "Stay the course"

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From where I stand the only way out of this mess is at the end of a rifle.
I'm not willing to go that rout, so for me I will just have to live under tyranny.
If we can get constitutionalists in, I would have a bit more faith, The Republican party as is, has done nothing to get us on the right track.

Everyone we ever vote in, feels they need to bind us with new laws.
I can not for the life of me understand why our Mayors allow police to do as they please.

The laws are all ready in effect for us to be a police state.

It seems we have gone down the wrong path to far to turn around.
I bet the new Congress does nothing to repeal these laws.

vote me in as dictator and I will clean it all up in 1 year then leave office. thumbs

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When I was a little girl, I saw a movie where a the Jewish people had to show their identity at different check points to travel. I saw the family and they were scared. I was mortified and even as a small child I knew my freedom was valuable. I remember my parents explaining to me the difference between a free world, or a world where you are not free.

As United States citizens we have had the liberty to be free, travel to and fro without having to produce documentation (perhaps only to prove you bought the ticket?) and free from harrassment.

But today Men and women are subjecting themselves and their liberty by trading it in simply to reduce our fear. There is not even a gaurantee of safety, and still we are willing to abandon those things we have held dear. we are trading it in, as if our freedom was not earned in blood. We are trading it is as if it were green stamps.

Our forefathers died and suffered for our freedom and we are selling out simply so we will "feel" more safe as we travel. We have more car crashes than we will ever have "bombings" we have more hospital deaths from yearly "errors" by healthcare providers, than the rare chance that anyone would ever be in the same vicinity of a "bomber" but here we go following the masses as sheep to the slaughter. We have a wonderful role model to show us how to be effective without looking at the body under the clothes or molesting the people who walk through the airport terminals, If we would only emulate Israel.

I am ashamed of my countryman. That is how it starts...selling out. We may not be able to stop any of it, I agree, but we can speak out and we can intercede and I am encouraging us all to do so.

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