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Delightful soul

prayer for next step?

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I've just gone and given away all my furniture and valuables and am getting the itch to move....I don't know if God wants me to move or what?

Please pray I find the way. I have thought of house sitting, but don't know anyone who needs one. I start college in February so maybe I should stay put.

My family are not saved I don't think cause my mum (bless her) watches stuff on tv that i consider demonic and often violent and gruesome. Right now as I am typing there is a film on with the foulest language in it. I just feel that cause of all that has happened with being sick has made it sooo hard for me to support myself and to be blunt, I am quite chicken at the moment. The only experience I had of enjoying living by myself was when I was totally by myself (and I have flatted heaps) and two years I lost my job (the whole company got retrenched) and my flat flooded so I had to find quick accom and so moved back to the folks.

I feel like it is my safe haven, but defo not spiritually. I love to entertain and have a big gift of hospitality that i can't seem to exercise here obviously . Part of me feels like I should stay till I get a business up and running after college and part of me feels that I would hear from God better in a better environment, but till I can get in a better financial situation, not sure what to do, so am staying caput so to speak. My folks are getting older too and they really appreciate my presence for me to help them out, but I really find it hard.

Not sure what to do, i should have put this in counselling as I did not realise i would say all this.

I'm too old to be with folks at this stage of my life but things have lead me to this situation. I have been praying about this, when i can, but I find it hard to even pray. My father is involved in a cult and so i cannot talk about God without getting into some kind of argument, so I just keep things light and easy........

Sometimes I feel trapped,just not sure where God wants to take me.

Thanks guys in advance. nerd

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"What if you are the only light your mother has?" This is the question that I was asked by the Lord when I wanted to move out from under my mother's roof. If it was about age and being too old to live with people, girl, I have you beat...I'm 43...on my way to 44 in a couple of months. God places us in places...uncomfortable places, at times...for PURPOSE.

We can't be soooo quick to leave people who obviously need Christ in their lives. We could be the only light they have to come to God.

Remember that God's Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. I'm praying for you...make sure you are NOT moving in haste just because it's umcomfortable. It's "hot" over here with my mom too, but she needs me here. She says all manner of evil against me, but what else is she going to do until she receives the REAL light of Christ? She's saved, but doesn't have the knowledge, if you get me.

Praying for you!!

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praying Lord, help Delightful Soul find direction in this matter. You say in Your Word you'll keep us in perfect peace if we just keep our mind on you, so I ask that peace for my sister. You know what's coming up in DS's future, you know what Your perfect plan is for her. I ask you give her very clear direction as to what she is supposed to do. If she is supposed to stay then I know you'll give her sufficient grace to stay. And I pray for these unsaved parents. Bring them into Your kingdom, Lord. Give DS the desires of her heart. I pray this in the name that is above all names, the name to which every knee must bow and every tongue confess, Amen.

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thanks guys!!! I really appreciated your prayers and also Cholette thanks for your words of wisdom. I know this time living with the folks there is a peace and they really are at that age where the roles are reversed. But sometimes I would like my own space back........I'll keep prayin bout this one!!! praying

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