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Eagle's wings


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Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

One's destiny in God is expected to be realized within a specified time. God has a timetable for every one and for every event. Unfortunately, because God's timetable is at variance with ours, many of us tend to neglect it.
One classical example here is Joseph. In his early teens, he already had a glimpse of his destiny. He knew God's plan for his life although he did not have the details. If you are close enough to God, He will give you sufficient information about your destiny fit for your age. Joseph's destiny did not come to pass just because he was aware of it. He had to go through certain stages and experiences over a period of years. He tasted slavery, imprisonment, and abandonment by a forgetful butler, all these as preparation for his destiny (Gen 40:1-23). But at the right time, Joseph was remembered and brought out of the prison straight to the throne.
Do you know that if Joseph had been remembered earlier and brought out of prison prematurely, he probably would have decided to return to his family? That would have meant the end of the destiny God had ordained for him. Does it seem as if you are forgotten? It is likely deliberate. All is working for your good. (Rm. 8: 28) At the right time, you shall be remembered. When it is time for you to be remembered, you shall not remain forgotten in Jesus name.
I pray that the month of march shall be a month of MARCHING forward victoriously for us all in Jesus precious name! AMEEEEEEEEEEEN!!


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Wow! That was really a word in season, I really appreciate the word. I really felt God spoke to me through that lovely word you shared.

I agree! Let this march be a special year for us! In Jesus name! Amen!

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After all isn't march for new beginnings (SPRING)

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This is the reason why I ENCOURAGE people to NOT get mad at God when things don't go the way they want it to go. It's all in timing and according to purpose. You are right on target when you said that if Joseph would have been released any sooner, he probably would have gone back to his family.

God knows when we are ready enough for purpose. Sometimes we FEEL ready, but many times that is "anxiousness". We need to rest in the Love of God and His faithfulness. This is where TRUST comes in. Can we trust the God we serve to get us where HE designed for us to be?

The scripture that I've been studying lately is:

“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry..." (Hababukkuk 2:2-3)

Let us ALL allow God to do HIS thing in our lives. It's His glory that needs to shine and not our own.

Thanks for sharing!!!!

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I think its a lot easier not to get mad at God now that I have been working in dreams, I have lost much but God said he would provide for me during this time, the bible says it too, but it is nice to hear it from the horses mouth. All so God told me that there would be a bunch of closed doors, but at the end of it all, there would be blue sky's. Things are still hard but hearing from God in a more direct fashion has made it so much easier.

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Cholette wrote:

This is the reason why I ENCOURAGE people to NOT get mad at God when things don't go the way they want it to go. It's all in timing and according to purpose. You are right on target when you said that if Joseph would have been released any sooner, he probably would have gone back to his family.

Thanks for sharing Collette, your so right, its easy to angry at God when things are moving as quick as you want them too. But I guess God is planning things behind the scene we're not aware of, we just need to wait on Him even though it can be enduring sometimes.

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[quote="John7]But I guess God is planning things behind the scene we're not aware of, we just need to wait on Him even though it can be enduring sometimes.[/quote]

There is a scripture that I read the other day that lines up with this comment.

But Jesus answered them, My Father has worked [even] until now, [He has never ceased working; He is still working] and I, too, must be at [divine] work. (John 5:17 AMP)

I once heard a minister say...when it seems like God is being still...THAT'S the time when He is doing the most. I don't have a scripture to back that up, but if we just take the scripture above as proof...we can easily say that God NEVER ceases.

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This discussion has been encourageing for me. I know God is allowing me to go through some changes right now...I know I have been mistreated and not understood, judged and judged wrongly. It has been crushing for me. But I also know it truly has been for a season and a reason. I watched a Public Television special tonight about one hundred and fifty women who were trapped in a fire in a clothing factory in New York in the early 1900's... and I thought of those poor girls and their moms and Aunts and sisters all jumping from skyscrapers....and it wasnt there fault. They were mistreated and then I thought about Dreamster and the earthquakes in New Zealand and how those people shouldnt have suffered and this forum really encouraged me to keep walking...one foot in front of the other. Praise God!!!

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praiseGod !!!! Just when I think I am discouraged, God sends his message loud and clear! Awesome message and I receive it in Jesus name!

Love in Jesus,


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The Holy Spirit has just led me to delcare and pray that I am in agreement with: Eagles Wings, Colette and with Mia Sherwood Ministries, that our visions and dreams will come to pass at Gods appointed time. And I believe with God nothing is impossible, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

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Amen & Amen to our prayers.
Life has taught me that there is no better proof of trust in God than when life throws bricks at us. Come to think of it, what wrong had Joseph done that made him remain a prisoner for 13 solid years?! I can imagine the feelings of abandonment, fear, bitterness, resentment, loss of faith in his dream..... that he had to deal with.
But God was working behind the scenes in all of this. He had been shown the big picture via his dreams,but God wisely left out the details that would were requisite to the fulfillment of his destiny.
Finally, he becomes the 2nd in command next to Pharoah in a flash!

That's how BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG our God is. No press conference, no board meeting, no polls, no elections or any other form of human calculation, & Joseph's destiny finally emerged with a BIG BANG.In all this, Joseph couldn't factor in himself bcos he was an ex convict, a foreigner, and had been forgotten for too long in the prison.
ALL THE GLORY AND HONOR is to Our God, cos when he steps into the scene, the battle is over. Halleluyah!
If the hell & the grave could not hold Jesus down, No force on earth & beyond will stop our destiny from manifesting as long as we abide in Him.
Shalom!!! wow

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Yeah Joseph really was an amazing example of a Godly character. I wish I could say that I lived up to Josephes character, but I really fall short, but I am thankful the Lords grace and mercy covers my shortcomings. I've been bitter and even upset with God in the past, but I do repent and the Lord gives me the strength to go forward, even when things are difficult.

Its always refreshing to hear someone talk about the story of Joseph, which is one of the most amazing stories in the Bible. And you are so right, in one flash of a second, Joseph became the Prime Minister in Egypt, its unbelievable what God can do. Praise the Lord! With God nothing is impossible!

And thanks so much for sharing, one of the great things about this forum ministry is the wonderful people, who contribute such great encouragement to the body of Christ. Im thankful your on this forum Eagles Wings, and I hope you continue to encourage people with your precious thoughts

God bless you! flower

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Wow, awesome thread.. Only stumbling upon it now:) Hmm, this is the THIRD time in the last 24 hours that God is bringing Josephs' story to my attention..I'm going to look it up and read through it now.
God bless you all!!

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I am trolling the bible studies and prayers, just looking for encouragement, and I am finding it. I think I am being tested before my own personal word comes to pass...

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