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Farewell to this beautiful ministry, its goodbye for now!

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Dear Mia Sherwood ministries and all you wonderful people involved in this precious ministry.

Things in my life are really shifting at the moment, and Im coming into a new season of my life. The Lord has really spoken to me and He wants me focused on the new challenges ahead of me, and I will be moving on from this ministry and forum to focus on the new challenges ahead.

I want to personally thank and bless with love, all the moderators and leaders on this forum including: Mia Sherwood, Daphanie, Connie, Collette and so many others who give up their free time to help run this beautiful ministry.

I want to thank all the special people who visit and contribute such precious encouragement to me on this ministry. Special mention to: christi85, Sirianta, Godchick, sisterinchrist, dreamster and so many others who have touched my life on this forum. I pray all your dreams and desires will be made a reality in your life.

Mia and Daphanie, I thankyou both for taking the time to come into agreement with me for a 100fold return blessing, and I believe I will be stepping into that blessing as I come into a new season of my life.

This ministry and the wonderufl people on it have really encouraged me in some of the most difficult times of my life, and Im thankful to everyone who has encouraged and blessed me on this ministry.

God bless to all of you and its goodbye for now

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praiseGod praying dove :jesuspic:

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Would this mean that you wont be coming back?

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:WOW: aw im sorry to hear that u are leaving us... bandaid Goodbyes make me sad... Blessings to you and ur NeW Season!! You have been a wonderful blessing big hug 2
May the Lord guide you and walk with you every step of the way...
and remove all obstacles that are in your way.
Bless You

Please do come back and visit..You are a wonderful blessing to us..
thank you

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I'm sorry to see you go! You've been a real blessing to us.

God bless you in what He is leading you to do.

Maybe you can update us on things in the future!


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Thanks for all your kind words

Im sure I will be back to update you all on whats been happening in my life, and Im sure I'll be back to give a great testimony to glorify God.

The Lord really spoke to me recently, and I've got some serious family issues and other issues to deal with, its going to be challenging, but I believe I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me! And I just need to focus on the challenges ahead. This ministry has really been a blessing to me and helped equip me for my journey ahead.

Some days ago the Lord gave me a dream to give an offering to Mia Sherwood Ministries, I was at a cash register and was led to make a payment for milk I had purchased from Mia Sherwood Ministries. I guess the Lord was showing me that he wanted me to honour this ministry with an offering before I left, I guess that shows how special this ministry is in Gods eyes. Obviously in front of the cash register was the exit, and the Lord was showing me that after I gave my offering He was moving me into another chapter of my life. Who can really understand God's ways? His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. We just need to obey His voice, love Him and love others around us, and follow the plan He has for our lives.

Please keep me in prayer as I go forth to deal with family issues aswell as other personal issues in my life, and you are all certainly in my thoughts and prayers, and its been great having you all apart of my life through this chapter of my life. This ministry has been absolutely awesome, the love and power of God thats flowed out of you people has been amazing, the leaders of this ministry do a great job and Mia Sherwood is definitely a very special woman. God really spoke to me through this ministry and the people involved with it in an amazing way, and I believe every one of you has a great future ahead of you.

Although its goodbye for now, Im sure we will cross paths again and I'll be back to say hello. I just didnt want to take a leave of absence from this forum without officially saying goodbye, because your all special people who deserve a special and loving farewell. I just need to focus on the road ahead now. Thankyou once again to all my brothers and sisters in Christ, your are all an inspiration.

God bless untill next time

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John, I am sad to say goodby since you have been such a tremendus light to this ministry. I will be praying for you and your family and pray that God allows you to soon return to us.
Until next time.... huggins

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Will be praying for you!!! Sad to see you go, but I TRULY understand. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!!

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Ag no, and now I missed saying goodbye to John! He has truely been an inspiration for me and always so full of love of Christ. Going to miss him sooo much! But know God has GREAT plans in store for him.

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crying crying crying We will miss you John and will keep you in our prayers and thoughts. I pray that you will accomplish all that God has called you to do and that you will return home to us soon. God bless and keep you!

Love in Jesus,


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Not glad to see you go john, but its understandable, and you are right, this is a beautiful ministry

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Hi guys

Thankyou for all your kind words

Well I recently saw family members I had not seen in years, and it was challenging but I got through it. I probably will start coming on the forum again now

God you around

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Thanks hindfeet and Sirianta

I can honestly say that both of you seriously rock, you are awesome, and its awesome people like you who make this forum so amazing.

By the way Sirianta, thanks for sharing the photo of your children. You are definitely blessed with very bright and blessed children. God bless you and your family!

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Wow John thank you so much for those beautiful words! It has blessed me so much!

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