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Someone help me understand Psalm 116

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as i've shared multiple times now...in real life...almost everday...i see the number 116 in some fashion.

and for the longest time, i and others have believed it is a reference to Psalm 116.

i've read Psalm 116 but don't know how it correlates to this number i keep seeing.

in Psalm 116...the write says "I will walk before the Lord in the land of the Living."

the writer also says he will PAY HIS VOWS to the Lord in the presence of all His people.

what does that mean? what VOWS?

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Vows are promises. He is saying that what he promised to do for the Lord he will fulfill it in the presense of all the people. The people will be a witness to the fulfillment of the vow (promise).

Love in Jesus,


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well, i can't think of any personal vows i've made to the Lord.

all i know is...this 116 i keep seeing is related to my current job/life actvity situation.

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vows can also mean like doing wat i said i will do,, it dont hav2 be 2 the lord ,,,but just in everyday life,,

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