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My dad in hospital~couldnt breathe

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Please join in prayer for my dad. He is in the hospital for observation due to not being able to breathe. They are also running test on his heart, to make sure this has nothing to do with this. He has pretty severe emphazema (sp.), and has yet to quit smoking full (though he has been trying). He is also in a lot of pain due to back injuries, working a life of hard labor, and surgery. Please pray more than anything, that he will accept Jesus as His Lord and Savior before anything happens to him. Please pray God would soften his heart enough to receive Him. He has had a very rough and negative life...and has been turned off to Christianity after some abuse suffered under the leadership of a very legalistic church as a child. Thank you faithful brothers and sisters for agreeing with me in prayer! What a wonderful support this site has been to me.

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Daisy, I am praying for your dad to be touched by God and for His healing anointing to flow into his heart, mind and body right now in the Name of our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ! Amen and Amen!

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Thanks astra! thank you

I have an update on this. Him and my step-mom are both on the patch to help them quit smoking. My step-mom had to stop taking her anti-anxiety pills in order to do this. So please continue to pray for them to be able to stay strong and both quit. In the past my dad has quit for even up to a whole year or longer...the problem is that if one of them starts back up bc of stress, it ends up tempting the other to fall into smoking again. The tests came back good on his heart. Him not being able to breathe had nothing to do with his heart, its strictly from being a heavy smoker for more than 40 years~his emphysema has progressed pretty bad. He was one point away from having to be put on oxygen. If he quits now it will stop it from progressing further. The Dr. told him if he quit smoking, he could live for the next two years instead of being lucky to live for less than 1 year. We all know the Great Physician is able to heal him completely or even lengthen his time here. Please continue to join in prayer for me concerning this. Thank you so much!

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Anytime we pray for someone's salvation we are praying in the will of God, Who wishes that NO man perish, including your dad! Prayin...

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Thanks so much Deborah! I really appreciate it!

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