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I was uncareful and now I'm suffering the consecuenses

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hi everyone i am sorry to tell you all that my email account was hacked... i recently posted a testimony saying what happened to me yesterday

here is the link of the thread if you want to read the whole story

and today i found out that i can not enter my email account....
fortunately i changed my facebook email address and password and i was able to save it, but my email account was hacked and now i lost it...
yestuday a spent a lot of time making security changes... i want to give a special thanks to Lisa an Tiddly Winks who helped me alot with that.
i thought i was safe, but badly i'm no longer the owner of my email acc

the way i found out is that i opened a gmail acc to make it my FB login acc, coz of my assumptions, and i connected my last email address with my new gmail address... and today i find a strange mail on my gmail inbox (imported from my lost email) saying that i made certian changes to my email settings including my password, and obviously i didnt do it becuase at that exact time I was working
the email does not say what is my "new" password and there is no way i can enter coz they change my private question and everthing...
i feel really sad and angry... and especcialy coz i might know who did it, but im not that sure, coz i made some mistakes the last few days and dont know who exactly.. that is why i dont want to accuse anybody... but i do want to make sure everybody is aware of this and please take good care of your acc's

right now im really sad and angry at the same time, i really really hope this doesnt happen to anyone of you... it doesnt feel any good, honest
all of the members here are really good and kind persons, that is why i love PSFC so much

please take good care of you're privacy settings and take all the security measures you can. we are the only ones how can protect ourselves

i've learned a lesson today and did it the hard way... hope this NEVER happens to you

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omg!!!!!!!!thats sad!!!!!!!!!!why someone hacked accounts and emails cant understand it

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esperia wrote:
omg!!!!!!!!thats sad!!!!!!!!!!why someone hacked accounts and emails cant understand it

i dont know why people want to do that, but the bad news is that they are out there and the only way we can keep safe is to take really good care of our acc... please take all the security measures you can.. i wouldn´t want to hear that this happened to you too

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hmmnn.. :idontthinkso: i understand and feel the same way like falcor when somebody hack my acct too, remember? i lost all my precious things in PS but thanks that i still retrieve my email but have to change my password..

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chay wrote:
hmmnn..i understand and feel the same way like falcor when somebody hack my acct too, remember? i lost all my precious things in PS but thanks that i still retrieve my email but have to change my password..

could you recover your acc? what do you mean by retrieve?
maybe this will help me recover it, coz allof my cantacts and some info is on the email i lost... and still have hopes of get it back

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omg thats scary!!!i am sorry for you my friend

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oh my god ;_; this is so scary.. I'm so sorry to hear that Falcor!!! *HUGSS*

i only go to like 5 websites, but there's alot of trolls, hackers and ***** people in all of them and it's just scary..

my friend got hacked on Gaia Online, and she doesn't even use her account often in the public, and her password was like a bunch of letters and numbers, but they still hacked into her accnt and took all her expensive items!!

it's just so scary to know, wether you are well known or not, you can still get hacked. i'm so scared now since i have a lot of stuff in all the games i play, and when my friend told me she got hacked on that game when nobody even knows her... it really frightened me since they can come after me too. and i have like 4x more stuff then her.

ugh. why must bad people exist x___x

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OMG... i can't believe this has happened that often... it is really scary
i want to cry at this moment, really

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i would cry too.. i work and spent so much money in all my games.. if any of them got hacked i would like never play a game again. ...

i got hacked on maple story, so i quit that game forever.. i'm glad i didn't spend cash but i did spend so much time in it..

i really hope you get your email back Falcor.. ;_; i wish there was something we can do. i am bad with stuff like this so idk anything to help you!!

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me I being really carefull here in the philippines cuz there are alot of hackers around here all my hard work gone and I don't want that happening to any of you Sad

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Riuna wrote:
i would cry too.. i work and spent so much money in all my games.. if any of them got hacked i would like never play a game again. ...

i got hacked on maple story, so i quit that game forever.. i'm glad i didn't spend cash but i did spend so much time in it..

yes i know.. i understand you..i would've probably done that too.
good thing i changed my FB email acces acc, before they got in.. but all of my contact list is gone

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hate scammers are ridiculous persons

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orik wrote:
hate scammers are ridiculous persons

your right about that one but don't know why they do that? Sad

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Fálcor wrote:
chay wrote:
hmmnn..i understand and feel the same way like falcor when somebody hack my acct too, remember? i lost all my precious things in PS but thanks that i still retrieve my email but have to change my password..

could you recover your acc? what do you mean by retrieve?
maybe this will help me recover it, coz allof my cantacts and some info is on the email i lost... and still have hopes of get it back

i remember long time ago also my brother's acct was hacked too, i was the one open for him his email acct, it was in yahoo i did report it to them, there is a help link and under it there is a contact us link.

maybe that was 2 -3 months ago i think, i cannot access my fb acct. it is showing that my fb password was different to the one im entering, maybe i did trying entering my password for more than 10 times until i receive an email from yahoo that they have detected suspicious activity on my fb account and thats the reason why my acct is temporarily suspended. this time somebody has changed my password and that time he have all the access to my fb account and having the chances of getting all my valuable items in PS.

is ur email under yahoo? try sending them email and report what happened...they will ask u for some question which u need to answer and they can recover ur email add. Smile

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chay wrote:
Fálcor wrote:
chay wrote:
hmmnn..i understand and feel the same way like falcor when somebody hack my acct too, remember? i lost all my precious things in PS but thanks that i still retrieve my email but have to change my password..

could you recover your acc? what do you mean by retrieve?
maybe this will help me recover it, coz allof my cantacts and some info is on the email i lost... and still have hopes of get it back

i remember long time ago also my brother's acct was hacked too, i was the one open for him his email acct, it was in yahoo i did report it to them, there is a help link and under it there is a contact us link.

maybe that was 2 -3 months ago i think, i cannot access my fb acct. it is showing that my fb password was different to the one im entering, maybe i did trying entering my password for more than 10 times until i receive an email from yahoo that they have detected suspicious activity on my fb account and thats the reason why my acct is temporarily suspended. this time somebody has changed my password and that time he have all the access to my fb account and having the chances of getting all my valuable items in PS.

is ur email under yahoo? try sending them email and report what happened...they will ask u for some question which u need to answer and they can recover ur email add. Smile

oh so sorry to hear you lost your PS items. that just makes me feel more angry
the email i lost was a hotmail account and I've already sent a message reporting my acc was hacked, hope to get news from them soon.
badly i read that hotmail is the less safest email server. that is why i switched to gmail, that seems to be the more safest of all the free servers.
thanks for responding... i really hope to recover that email

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you had hotmail??? awww.... i would wish you good luck but it's gonna take muuuuch more than that... Either use gmail or yahoo....

I'm really sorry... I remember how worried you where when this happened to you 2-3 days ago... And i'm really sorry that at the end you couldn't do much more... Well thank god that you where lucky enough to only lose you e-mail.. (in which i hope you didn't had important stuff *fingers crossed)

For me you must have 1 main e-mail and 2-3 others for different uses that are expandable... Facebook account not associated with you main e-mail account that you will be using only for that... Other sigh ups go with the 3rd account and stuff you only do to gain stuff goes to the forth account...
Also (for ps) if you are woried you should have a storage account.. With a couple of friends so if it ever happens again the hacker won't only see you as a friend... I don't do the last thing because i get ored easily going back and forth but....

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wow thanks, that is really good advice.. honestly i hadn't thought about that.. but now i will do as you say..
thank you for your nice words...
furtunately i didn`t have any important info on that address.. just personal emails and a large contact list..im working on sending everyone I can remeber a notification so they know that if they recieve any email from that acc they'll know it isnt me.
thank good i changed my FB access acc in time
thankyou so much lucky
you can imagine how i feel

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Im scared now.I have to much to loos on my account. i dont nkow why people would want to steal account just for pixels (the items on PS)its perthetic. I hope the person who hacked you getshacked themselves. They will always have a guilty consience.I hate hackers...they make me sick!!

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I had that happen to me with a hotmail account.Breaks my heart that people can be so dishonest.I am so sorry for you ,doll.Make sure on certain things that you change passwords often,especially if you use forums a lot. Make all passwords to all forums different,make your passwords and secrets questions completely crazy and nothing like you would normally do,when it comes to your email account.Keep those passwords on a card in your wallet.It may make it difficult for your to remember sometimes,but it will help.

and you may still get hacked,because of cruel people.They do it just because they can. Hugs to you <3

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xPink.Pixel.Princessx wrote:
Im scared now.I have to much to loos on my account. i dont nkow why people would want to steal account just for pixels (the items on PS)its perthetic. I hope the person who hacked you getshacked themselves. They will always have a guilty consience.I hate hackers...they make me sick!!

that is the same that i think... PS is only a game.. its nice to like it and be addicted to it but there are some limits... hack acc's to steel virtual stuff its just insane
all i can say to you is to take good security measures and like Lucky Strike said make a different FB acc to store items just in case...
I really hope this never happens to you

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thank you bunnyfuzzyness... i'll be sure to be more careful now

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xPink.Pixel.Princessx wrote:
Falcor still has ALL his items on your PS account....Did you get your account back???

Fortunately i didn't loose my FB acc coz i changed the email to access just in time... so my FB and PS is safe thank God.
the only thing i lost was my hotmail address
thanks for caring

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that's terrible!!!!!!!!!!! hope everything is ok, now!
i changed also my email ,my e-mail here for the forum, cause obviously people i have no idea who are added me? in my email for a fb account i haven't even created in that email!!!!!!!!

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That is awful! I just changed all my passwords, they are always different for that reason. Thankfully you still have your facebook! In all honesty I'm getting really worried about using facebook and I try to be so extra cautious because of all the security warnings. I've actually heard that facebook is actually going to allow location tracking on status updates soon!

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Good for you myladyyawo. only we can take care of oursleves coz FB and hotmail doesnt give a **** for this kind of stuff.
i have one question what does location tracking on status updates means?
is that something we must be aware off?

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A friend posted the news article from online, but I'm not too sure about the date and I can't locate it right now. It seems quite dangerous I guess it will be a gps locator posting the location you are when you update your status. It can be quite dangerous for those people that post constant updates when they won't be home especially for those that post when they are out and about on their mobile... I don't know if it's for sure or not yet but this worries me. I've never been one to post a lot on facebook but still I don't know why they would do that!

Again hun, Really sorry about what happened to you! I would be lost with out my email. Do you know if it was a virus or a hacker that you may have added? Or do you think it was from a link or a site?

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Oh I think the date is July to be a little more specific... I know I saw on facebook last week that they are wanting to change the privacy settings again.

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thankyou for the info mylady... it sounds quite dangerous... we have to be more careful every day.
responding to your question... i have suspicions of who'd might have been, but i'm not sure and dont want to mistakenly accuse anybody. but it could've been a PSFC member i recently added that gave me link with a strange page on it and when i clicked it a pop up window showed asking for permition to acces my pc. obviously i canceled it, but later on i was asked to log back into my hotmail account... and that was when i knew something was going wrong. so i immediately begun to make changes on my FB settings, password and emails acc's, ran virus and spyware scans that Lisa kindly recommended on a thread and found a couple of them.

note: it wasnt the first time i clicked on strange links so i can't know for sure who was it

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Thank you for letting me know, I don't think if it was someone who sent you the link that it was their intent if that was the reason. Sometimes people have viruses that cause links to be sent without knowledge through groups they've joined on facebook or other profile links. Even emails get sent with name of people we know... it's so important to know the warning signs I guess.

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myladyyawo wrote:
Thank you for letting me know, I don't think if it was someone who sent you the link that it was their intent if that was the reason. Sometimes people have viruses that cause links to be sent without knowledge through groups they've joined on facebook or other profile links. Even emails get sent with name of people we know... it's so important to know the warning signs I guess.

you are so right... and that person seemed like a very nice guy, so i dont want to distrust, we made a very a nice safe trade before... i guess we just have to have more careful and never click on any unknown
i hope this never happens to you. thanks for the advice and stay alert for any new viruses, set your private settings and take good security measures

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