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My Doctor is Rubbish!

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As some of you may know, ive been suffering with a constant head cold for the past 5 weeks Sad i went to my doctors a couple of weeks ago and he sort of laughed it off and said it was just a cold and he gave me some tablets that were supposed to unblock my nose and ears. They didnt work.

I went back and i saw someone different, a lady doctor, she looked in my ears, up my nose (yeah i know, yuk!) and she listened to my chest. Then she pushed on my face just above my eyes and underneath my eyes, she asked if it felt uncomfortable and it did, within a few minutes i had a headache. She told me ive got Sinusitis, which is an infection in my sinusis.
I asked her "Why didnt the other doctor know that?" she checked back and the tablets he gave me were for ALLERGIES!!! Mad I said, why on earth would he give me allergy tablets? Basically ive been suffering for nothing. She gave me some antibiotics and some tablets that WILL unblock my sinusis.
This could have been sorted out weeks ago but at least im on the mend now,
sorry for the long post, i just wanted to vent (we were talking about it in my work, so im wound up about it now lol)

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Awww sweetie, I hope you get better really soon. Some doctors just pass things off to try to speed things up.... It's really sad because they can miss some serious problems... My doctor is the same way sometimes, he told me something I had was just in my head... but I saw a specialist who actually got tests done for me and it turns out I was in pain for a real good reason (something that is very personal so I won't say but it effected me greatly for 4 years going undiagnosed due to my doctor)!

Glad you went back and saw a different doctor, at least your starting to feel better congratulations

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thanks hun i was just so annoyed, at the end of the day he knew i suffered with colds/flu/chest infections because of my low immune system Sad but to give me allergy tablets when i didnt have allergies! Mad

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Thats just silly! I know sometimes they are prescribed for congestion and Allergy like symptoms but Really? that doesn't make sense for what you have... Really bad sinus colds really suck especially if you don't get treated properly right away! I hate that always stuffy yucky feeling :S And on your days off Sad Not fun!

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Dont even start me off about doctors!

The amount of times my doctor has just tried to tell me ther is nothing wrong is unbelievable! I have learnt not to stand my ground, and I must admint he tends to do what I ask now lol.

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Gaiamaiden wrote:
thanks hun i was just so annoyed, at the end of the day he knew i suffered with colds/flu/chest infections because of my low immune system Sad but to give me allergy tablets when i didnt have allergies! Mad

Panda kick him on the chin, you sure will feel better then congratulations
Hope your feeling better soon hun xx

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are almost all doctors in this world the same?

last thursday, i went to the doctor's because i had a sore throath... she looked,and said: ''oh, it's nothing, you are perfectly fine!''
two days later (on saturday) i wake up with a headache, without voice and a really high temperature! Sad i was sick the whole weekend, with high temperature, but from monday it started going better Smile
at first they thought it was mono, but after a blood test, they say it's just some infection, nothing big....
now, just antibiotics, and some rest.. and i'll be okay in no time Smile (well, i kinda am already, but who cares, as long as i don't have to go to school, and can stick arround psfc all day.. all's fine Laughing )

sorry for big blocks of text Ashamed i know it's hard to read...

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clair a bell wrote:
Gaiamaiden wrote:
thanks hun i was just so annoyed, at the end of the day he knew i suffered with colds/flu/chest infections because of my low immune system Sad but to give me allergy tablets when i didnt have allergies! Mad

Panda kick him on the chin, you sure will feel better then congratulations
Hope your feeling better soon hun xx


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Snap....I used to have a doctor exactally the same....Kept giving me medication that wouldnt cure me....Until one day....i went to him to get something because i had a really bad mouth oulcer.....I mean i couldnt open my mouth much and i could eat either...it was sooo painful. Then...i went to see my doctor and he gave me some stuff to put on it...
Went to the chemist and got my medication...opend up the bag and there was a box in there...Plain white with just my name on and address and some wierd name i couldnt pronounce(you know what medication is like..Some medical term lol).....so as you think...the doctors perscribed it to me so it shouldnt do my any harm.....
I was so wrong!!!
I put a dab on my finger and it felt all tingly....But i thought nothing of it.... I thought it was just numbing cream to take way the pain.....
Then my finger starts to burn..and go red....i quickly rinsed it off and looked at the lefelet inside.

BACK RUB!!!...For an instand warm soothing feeling that is suitable for back pain.

Took it back to the doctors and he didnt know that whatever he perscribed me was for back pain.He told me to keep using it.

I fould out later from my new doctors. If i had of put it on my oulser....it would have burned the skin away in my mouth possibly leaving a hole in my cheek where i put it and infected my mouth ever more..... More seriously it could have poisond me(through either swallowing or throught my bloodstream) and killed me.

I should have really seeked legal action against him cause i wouldnt have been there now if i didnt leave it on my finger for a couple of seconds.

I strongly advise you all to read EVERYTHING the doctor perscribes..Weither it be just for something little as a cold...READ IT!.

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Wow! You definitely should have taken legal action! How scary is that!!! So sorry you went through that sweetie! Wow! I just can't get over how bad that is! I know doctors and overworked and busy well there are here in Canada (with our medical care I'm surprised but it's hard for some people now to get a family doctor!) but that is no excuse to be that careless! Wow!!

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I feel a strong need to stick up for SOME doctors here...my son being one of them. He will tell you straight though that he hates GP's ...they know a little bit about a lot of things. He is a paediatric registrar (qualified in 2003) and hospital doctors are of course more specialised in the field they are working in ...apart from students who have to do every area ...
But having said that ...there are some good GP's out there ...and where would we be without them?? Evevybody needs to see a doctor at some time and at least we have the ability to do so

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awww Kasi, I hope you didn't think I was bashing all doctors. Some are so wonderful! You are so right in all accounts! GPs need to know about a lot of different things and it is easy for them to forget things once in a while. It's just so hard when a doctor continues to tell you that nothing is wrong when something is. As you said though where would we be without them.

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which is why you should always stand your ground with a doctor if you are not happy with his diagnosis and ask to be referred to a specialist in whatever field it is ....that way you are sure to get help

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lol i love Kung Fu Panda! lol thanks girls lol made me laugh xx

Dont worry Kasi, i know what your saying, i was just on about my particular doctor, alot of his patients think the same way, they would rather see someone else than him. On that particular day i had no choice but to see him, but i really liked the GP i saw recently, she didnt give me any rubbish, try to fob me off or anything. She checked me over which is more than the other GP did and she was actually sympathetic.

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I had a doctor that tried to get all my money for homeopathic treatments. For a while I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then I suddenly realized it was not working and that he was probably cashing in for his yacht payments.

I changed doctors, but since then, I haven't been sick, so I haven't been to the new doctor. This doctor is the same one my husband goes to. Funny how things go like that.

But, if one feels weird about a doctor, then a change is always in order.

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I think you always find rogue doctors like this one who really don't care what is actually wrong with you and fob you off just to get you out the door. I have a wonderful female doctor who i go to see. Sometimes the waiting list for her is up to 3 weeks but its because she's so good at what she does.

Hope your sinusitis gets better real soon x

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
I had a doctor that tried to get all my money for homeopathic treatments. For a while I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then I suddenly realized it was not working and that he was probably cashing in for his yacht payments.

I changed doctors, but since then, I haven't been sick, so I haven't been to the new doctor. This doctor is the same one my husband goes to. Funny how things go like that.

But, if one feels weird about a doctor, then a change is always in order.

homeopathy really helped me with my sickness (i have hyperthyreosis) but it IS very expensive...
i don't know for you, but when i started using those little drops the ''doctor'' gave me... i got really better.. that's all i can say Smile

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Tinkerbell wrote:
I think you always find rogue doctors like this one who really don't care what is actually wrong with you and fob you off just to get you out the door. I have a wonderful female doctor who i go to see. Sometimes the waiting list for her is up to 3 weeks but its because she's so good at what she does.

Hope your sinusitis gets better real soon x

aw thanks hun Smile and welcome to PSFC XX

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Im not bringing down all doctors here. The one i have is pretty rubbish but the nurse i see is really cool. Id actually rather see a nurse then a doctor...They do the same thing...Kinda...But i have like 2 doctors now....And one of them is really nice. He knows what hes going on about..But he works early morning and there are mosntly no appointments for him when i book up because they are booked like 2 weeks in advanced LOL!He is the best doctor iv had tho.
Just having that experience with that one doctor has made me quite wary of ALL of them now as you can understand.

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good docs and bad docs can all miss things. nowadays we have to be our own advocates and persist when they say 'it's nothing' or if a prescription isn't doing the job.

several years ago i got an ear infection. hadn't had one since i was a kid - and it HURT BAD. could not lay down to sleep at night. the doc gave me basic antibiotics, which helped some, but did not completely kill the infection. they gave me another round, it improved some, but again, came back and got worse again. did another round... still did not take care of it (and each round of meds was like 10 days... always improved, but did not go away completely). Then somewhere along the way I also had a yearly exam scheduled with my Gyn. While I was there I asked her to look in my ear because it was getting bad again. She couldn't believe how red it was in there - immmediately gave me this much stronger antibiotic that only takes 5 days—and that's what knocked it out finally.

The moral to the story? Go see your gynecologist for an ear infection! OK just kidding...

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oh my Kathleen lol too funny (the very last part I mean) I really try to avoid any type of prescription if I can, I would be furious if I had to take antibiotics that frequently with no final resolution.

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