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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Designer: Tamara Henson Original Creator:Several designers deserve credit for providing the original models for this pack including Bunyupy for the lizard; Chucha for the bunting; Dinosaurman/Hendrix for the deer and pigeon; Platypus for the sheep; Tyranchu for the sengi; Robert for the male gazelle, and Jimmyz Hoopaz for the female gazelle and fish. Requires: This pack requites Endangered Species for the deer and lizard, African Adventures for the bunting, and Marne Mania for the fish. Radical Remake new biomes and Aves is also recommended. Public Domain: Yes Language: English Bugs: none Description: This pack contains 8 animals from Tunisia in North Africa, some of which are found nowhere else. Included in this pack are the African Owl Pigeon, Barbary Deer, Cirl Bunting, North African Sengi, Rhim Gazelle, Tunis Sheep, Tunistian Barb, and the critically endangered Acanthodactylus mechriguensis Lizard. This pack also includes two new bouncy rides and a new fountain. Screenshot: African Owl Pigeon Barbary Deer Cirl Bunting North African Sengi Rhim Gazelle Tunis Sheep Tunisian Barb Acanthodactylus mechriguensis Tunisian Items African Owl Pigeon.z2f Barbary Deer.z2f Cirl Bunting.z2f North African Sengi.z2f Rhim Gazelle.z2f Tunisian Items.z2f Tunis Sheep.z2f Tunisian Barb.z2f Tunisian Fringe-Fingered Lizard.z2f
  2. 1 point
    November 8, 1972 - April 1, 1985
  3. 1 point
    Upon looking at this month’s most popular musical singles chart in the UK, it may seem like it is dominated by pop stars and hip hop artists – but there is now a new kind of singer that is rising to the top. A song called “Let Nature Sing” is currently ranked as the 11th most popular musical single – and it is a track that is made up entirely of bird sounds. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds released the track last month as a means of raising awareness for vulnerable bird species. The soothing soundscape consists of 25 different bird calls, hoots, and hollers. From blackbirds and woodpeckers to warblers and robins, all of the birds featured on the track are endangered in the UK. If you want to help “Let Nature Sing” reach #10 on the UK charts before the month is over, you can buy or stream the song from the society’s website. Full Story & Video
  4. 1 point
    Creator: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: The following people need to be credited for the use of their models and original coding... Austroraptor for the adult male marco Polo's sheep, Jimmy Hoopz for the bear mesh; Dinosaurman/Hendrex for the red deer, mouflon, big-horned sheep, and civet mesh; Ultamateterex2's thylacine for the pakicetus; and ZTABC Wild china crew for the tragopan. Requires: ES: Kashmir Deer; EA: for the pakicetus; and Wilde China for the Western tragopan. Public Domain: All but the Marco Polo's sheep (ask Austroraptor). Language: English Bugs: The western tragopan will have no skin unless Wilde China is installed. Description: A remake of six of the animals from the original Countries of the World: Pakistan. It contains the Himalayan brown bear, Kashmir deer, Marco Polo's sheep, Pakicetus, Western horned tragopan, Urial, and Yellow-throated marten. Screenshots: Yellow-Throated marten Marco Polo's Sheep Urial (My first successful mesh) Himalayan Brown Bear Pakicetus Western Horned Tragopan Kashmir Deer Himalayan Brown Bear.z2f Kashmir Deer.z2f Marco Polo Sheep.z2f Pakicetus.z2f Urial.z2f Western Horned Tragopan.z2f Yellow-Throated Marten.z2f
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