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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Creator/Designer/Author: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: DinosaurMan! Language: English Bugs/Information/Notes: This pack contains several items necessary for the Pretty parrots expansion pack. Included in this download is a filter to easily sort your PP objects, a new miniature-sized bird nest for your parrots to rest on, new seed-based food items, and the yellow-crowned (or yellow-headed) amazon parrot (Amazonia ochrocephala). The original parrot mesh was created by DinosaurMan and the original coding is by Slice, used with permission. The only bug is that the birds sometimes nest to the side of the parrot nest instead of inside it due to the short legs of the mesh. Requirements: AA Pictures: Yellow-Crowned Amazon: Parrot Nest: Parrot Seed Food Items Yellow Crowned Amazon.z2f Parrot Nest.z2f Pretty Parrots Filter.z2f x999_Bird Seed.z2f
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Creator/Designer/Author: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: DinosaurMan! Language: English Bugs/Information/Notes: This pack contains eight species of parrot native to Indonesia and Asia. Each bird is placed in a separate file so your zoo can have only the species you need. Each species has at least one variant skin. There were no bugs noticed by me, if any are found please PM me. Note: the original parrot mesh was created by DinosaurMan and the original coding (with the exception of that used for the ecletus parrot) is by Slice, used with permission. Requirements: :AA: and :ES: Ecletus Parrot Picture: Brehm's Tiger Parrot Cardinal Lory: Ultramarine Lory: Derbyan Parrot: Moluccan King Parrot Pesquet's Parrot Plum-Headed Parakeet Brehm's Tiger Parrot.z2f Cardinal Lory.z2f Plum-Headed Parakeet.z2f Derbyan Parrot.z2f Ecletus Parrot.z2f Moluccan King Parrot.z2f Pesquet's Parrot.z2f Ultramarine Lory.z2f
  4. 1 point
    Creator/Designer/Author: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: DinosaurMan! Language: English Bugs/Information/Notes: This pack contains eight species of parrot native to the continent of Africa. Each bird is placed in a separate file so your zoo can have only the species you need. Each species has at least one variant skin. There were no bugs noticed by me, if any are found please PM me. Note: the original parrot mesh was created by DinosaurMan and the original coding is by Slice, used with permission. Requirements: :ES: :AA: Pictures: African Grey Parrot, including very rare red and red-pied variants (Congo Jungle): Brown-Necked Parrot, includes the Cape and Un-cape Parrot (African Savannah): Greater Vasa Parrot (Madagascar): Peach-Faced Lovebird, includes domestic colors (African scrub and savannah): Red-Bellied Parrot (Ethiopian Scrub): Ruppel's Parrot (South African desert): Senegal Parrot (West Africa): Yellow-Fronted Parrot (Alpine Ethiopia): African Grey Parrot.z2f Brown-Necked Parrot.z2f Greater Vasa Parrot.z2f Peach-Faced Lovebird.z2f Red_Bellied Parrot.z2f Ruppel's Parrot.z2f Senegal Parrot.z2f Yellow-Fronted Parrot.z2f
  5. 1 point
    I like this song and musicians. Have you heard the cover by Sohysng (Korean singer)?
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Creator/Designer/Author: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: DinosaurMan! Language: English Bugs/Information/Notes: This pack contains eight species of parrot native to the continents of North and South America. Each bird is placed in a separate file so your zoo can have only the species you need. Each species has at least one variant skin. In addition there is a new Ambient animal, the Hyacinth Macaw, for alpine, wetland, and tropical forest biomes. There were no bugs noticed by me, if any are found please PM me. Note: the original parrot mesh was created by DinosaurMan and the original coding is by Slice, used with permission. Requirements: :AA: Pictures: Barred Parakeet (includes the linolated parakeet. From the alpine slopes of the Andes Mountains): Cuban Amazon (from Cuba, of course): Golden Conjure (an endangered parrot from the Amazon wetlands): Hawk headed Parrot (A south American bird with unusual coloring): Imperial Amazon ( A big purple parrot from the South American jungles): Red-Headed Amazon (also called the Green-Cheeked Amazon this severely endangered bird is now more common as a feral species in California and Florida than in it's native Mexico): Saint Vincent's Amazon (a beautiful bird from the Caribbean islands): Vinaceous Amazon (a lovely bird from the pampas): Hyacinth Macaw Ambient: Barred Parakeet.z2f Cuban Amazon.z2f Golden Conure.z2f Hawk-Headed Parrot.z2f Imperial Amazon.z2f Red-Headed Amazon.z2f St. Vincent Amazon.z2f Vinaceous_Amazon.z2f Hyacinth Macaw Ambient.z2f
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