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Everything posted by lea75

  1. The tv series is very, very good! There is still a love triangle, but the series seems to me to be more focused on the vapires and their history, and the love triangle takes a back step. It is also a little more gruesome (not too bad or I wouldnt be able to watch it lol) but deffinately a lot more blood than Twilight lol If you do start watching them then you really need to start at the beginning to ba able to understand it all..and bare with it as the first episode was just a pilot lol
  2. which series of the books are you reading hun? There are 2 versions. The original series and then there is a series based on the TV show. Best way to know...does Elana have a brother or a sister in the books you are reading?
  3. I'll send your prize straight over hun xx
  4. DECEMBER 10TH - SINENOMINE DECEMBER 11TH - HINAPASHA Congratulations...you both have 24 hours from now to claim your prize! xx
  5. lea75

    Im SO sorry :(

    hey hun...great to see you again
  6. No one can get into my kids schools (thank goodness!) They have locks on all the doors, and you have to be buzzed in, and even then only get into reception.....at my sons school you cant even get onto the school grounds as they have high security fencing which is always locked during the day, with a guard on the gate. What you went through sounds really scary Luka...but at least it proves that if there was an issue at your school, then they have procedure in place to deal with it.
  7. sweetie you are still within the time limit...I forgot to draw it on the 8th so only drew your name today I'll send your prize right over xx
  8. Ok I wanna see Tigger!!! I feel like I need therapy lmao My name is Lisa, and I'm a Tiggeraholic
  9. Oh my! Havent even heard about this! I might have to take the girls to see it...just for the girls benefit of course lmao x
  10. lea75

    Just to prove ...

    Dont know why the quality is not very good, but oh well lol...this is my fireplace. I'll try and take another photo of the tree in the morning, the one I took didnt turn out very well :smiles:
  11. Hiya and welcome to the group If you need any neighbours, feel free to send me a friend request on facebook
  12. lea75

    Christmas songs

    Who's version of it do you prefer? I've just done a search and there are a lot of artists who have recorded it lol
  13. Oh WOW! She is gorgeous! Congratulations hun xxx
  14. I really hope they put the new fish biscuit on the lottery wheel...I want a penguin fish!!!
  15. lea75

    Christmas songs

    I have another muppets one lined up for Christmas Eve...only one more sleep till Christmas Dont want to over do the Muppets theme lol x
  16. dont get your hopes up hun...I have a feeling it will still be cash coins
  17. Everyday we will be adding a new Christmas song to PSFC! Here you can chat about todays song...or even suggest a song you would like to see featured. They can be pop songs, traditional carols, or even your favourite cartoon song So let me know what you think and what you would like to see added :cane:
  18. I love pandas as well I have 2 panda teddies which sit on my bed
  19. When Kasi phoned me to let me know the spoilers were released, the first thing she mentioned are the penguins...me thinks you all know me well lol I love the new penguins (of course) and cant wait to do a proper home for my penguins and polar bears
  20. DECEMBER 8TH - YELLOWNANCY DECEMBER 9TH - URSULA Congratulations to you both..you have 24 hours from now to claim your prize x
  21. Her face was an absoloute picture...almost had me it tears lol I did one for Jadine as well, but unfortunately her name is not in their data base so he didnt actually say her name...but she still loved it though. He told Jadine that she had to start looking after her little sister (which is what I'm always telling her lol) and her jaw just dropped lol...and funny enough she helped Phoebe get ready for school this morning I'm making the most of it with Jadine this year as she will be 9 in March and think this will be the last year she truley 'believes' in Santa
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