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Everything posted by lea75

  1. Happy Birthday hun, hope you have a fabulous day xxxx
  2. A full guide is now avaliable by clicking HERE
  3. I'm really sorry for the delay this week guys, I've had some computer issues
  4. can't wait to see the pics hun. I need something to get me into a Christmas mood
  5. I'm really. rea;;y sorry guys but something has gone wrong with photobucket and all our graphics are not showing! I know this makes the site look awful and really hard to navigate, but please bare with me while I try ot sort it out. I've added them via PSFC's hosting site, and they still did not work, so have tired another external hosting site. This works, but I have not got time to add them all again at the moment...I have to go out! I have added the forum and messages buttons at the top, and promise I will re-add all the rest as soon as I get home. I really am sorry about this everyone xx
  6. Have you changed any of your settings in your facebook privacy settings? maybe you have clicked something to not allow PS to access your photo album? Cant really think why else this would happen The only other thing to try is the bog standard log out, clear your cache, then log back in again and try again. Not a lot of help sorry If I think of anything else then I'll let you know x
  7. the flooring is a nightmare..had to phone a fitter to come and do it. Another £140 down the drain
  8. Oh bless her! Rosie will have to pop by later to wish her a Happy Birthday lol xx
  9. I am decorating my front roon and am at the stage where I really wish I had not started it The walls are painted, the skirting boards and dado are glossed...I'm having the laminate floor fitted today, and the furniture delivered on Monday...all I will have left to do then is gloss the fireplace and doors. There is not one tidy room in my house, as I've had to empty the front room...the ironing pile is silly high, and all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep for a year! I just keep telling myself it will look great once its done, but I WANT IT DONE NOW!!
  10. lea75


    Sweetheart it must break your heart to see you parents behave like this Do you have a close family relative who you could talk to? Maybe explain to them how your parents behaviour is effecting you? Or even ask them to talk to your parents for you? I'm sure if your parents knew how you were feeling then it would make them stop and think. They are both probably hurting so much themselves that they haven't seen the effect this is having on you. If you ever need to chat hun you can always pm me. Just remember hun, that no matter what happens, they will both always love you, and that they are angry with each other, not with you xxxx
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