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Everything posted by lea75

  1. Hiya and welcome I'm glad you are enjoying the forum, if you need anything just ask, we really are a friendly bunch here lol I'm sending you a f/r so Rosie can go and say hi to FuzzyBug
  2. Its almost time to change the forum graphics again, to make everything glisten and sparkle for Christmas As usual I need your help lol Can you please post some pictures of your pets...I need winter clothes and your best party clothes (havent decided exactly what I'm doing yet lol) Also I need new emoticons for the site...if you have links to any sites or if you have any emoticons you would like to use, please pm them directly to me Thanks
  3. lea75


    How bout pickles and ice cream? I'm so glad to say that is one thing I never craved during any of my pregnancies lmao x
  4. lea75

    Adverts on forum

    Guys I am so sorry for the banner of adverts that has appeared on the forum. I am trying my hardest to find out how to remove them, but it depends not only if I can gain access to it, but also how much it would cost Please bare with me, and try to just ignore them for now x
  5. lea75


    I had chippy last night...was delicious lol every now and again doesnt hurt hun...go for it lol x
  6. lea75


    Keep smiling Luka....things will get better hun @Steph....so what you decided on to eat then? I fancy something sloppy, like noodles or soup, but cant decide what lol
  7. lea75


    that sounds like a right pain Sophie! Cant you get a timeline from the people doing the work...at least then you will know it will end one day lol Be careful walking over uneven surfaces...dont go hurting yourself I've just been to Argos to change Jadine christmas present as the original was faulty Then went to floors to go to price up a laminate floor for my front room...the price of materials is wbout what I was expecting, but the fitting costs are ridiculous! Its gonna cost nearly as much as the materials, just for the fitting...they want £140 for 2 hours work Not sure what to do now Anyone know any floor fitters in the west midlands? lol x
  8. I just got straight in hun Have you tried a differnet browser and clearing your cache...normal tricks which sometimes help?
  9. lea75


    ouch on your car! That is a lot of money at any time of the year, but even worse this close to Christmas! I think from what I've been reading, Maltese dogs need even more grooming than brichon frise...my friends dog gets groomed ever 6 weeks, and it costs £30, but that is for a full shampoo, cut, blow dry (yes on a dog lol) and nail trim, so not too bad really
  10. lea75


    OH my! I want your dog!! My friend called round yesterday with her bichon frise and now I want one...and the kids are even worse lol. They are so expensive to buy though and the grooming costs are putting me off slightly .... we'll see
  11. lea75


    at least he is making the effort and you are going out..plus its a night off cooking, and you dont have to have chicken Enjoy yourselves, and if you are home before 9 I'll talk to you later (I'm not answering the phone between 9-10pm )
  12. I bought the plushie as I love it, but now Hideeni is driving me mad lol
  13. lea75


    I will be as soon as I come home lol, nothing better than pj;s and bed socks lol....especially when I have Vampire diaries to watch tonight
  14. lea75


    lol...my son loves chocolate brownies, especially with cream on them lol I'm just about to put tea on, so it will be ready when I get back from picking her up from dancing....saves a little time. It doesnt help that its getting dark already, or that its raining...all I want to do is close the curtains and put my pj's on lol...how lazy am I??
  15. lea75


    I hate Tuesdays...they are so chaotic! I have to pick Jadine up from school at 3:15, take her straight to dancing, pick her up again at 4:30, home for a quick tea then Brownies for 6pm....luckily her Dad picks her up from Brownies at 7:30 Things we do for our kids lol
  16. lea75


    Fancy a chat? Something happened that you fancy sharing? Or just want to say hello? Then this is the thread for you Here you can talk about anything and everything, just remember to keep it clean and suitable for all, no advertising and no links please. Look forward to chatting to you
  17. https://twitter.com/#!/PSFanC Dont forget to follow us on twitter to get all the PSFC news as soon as it is posted!! We have a new twitter account so if you followed the old twitter page, please update it to PSFanC
  18. I've been getting so frustrated recently with Hideeni, I had one gem missing from the collection...so I decided to buy some Hideeni food from the botique...I fed it to Hideeni and he gave me the gem I was missing 1 cash coin well spent!!!
  19. Bless ya Gaia...nice to hear you in such high spirts hun xx Yvette, you know I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Sven, you two are really over due some good luck now hun xx I'm doing ok this morning, spent a good morning on a course chatting to other Mums and we always have a laugh, so feel in good spirts myself I'm off out this afternoon to buy some paint as I'm going to start decorating my front room ( I really want it done before the Christmas decorations go up lol)...and also to look into how much it will cost me to have a wooden floor layed (bet its more than I can afford ) Oh plus I have a mountain of ironing to tackle, and the housework to do lol
  20. Please remember that member/mods do these giveaways using their own items and their own time Please be polite when asking for items...manners go along way around here
  21. hiya!! Dont worry hun, we were all new once. If there is anything you need or any questions you have, please just ask....we are here to help you We really are a great big family, I'm sure it wont take long for you to get the hang of things look forward to getting to know you x
  22. lea75

    I hate winter!

    I'm sure you are the same as me Sophie and the weather affects your joints....I am aching from head to toe...not a good day
  23. lea75

    I hate winter!

    I had to go into town this morning to get Jadines Christmas present, and to say I froze is an understatement! It is blowing a gale, raining and just generally miserable! Roll on summer!!!
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