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Everything posted by lea75

  1. It was a brill evening, and Kivie, thanks for the prize hun....it will certainly been well used lol xxxxxxxxx
  2. I was really dubious about watching it, but now I totally love it! Even to the extent that I would say I prefer it to Twilight....just dont tell anyone I said that
  3. dont forget you can always see todays top posters, its just above where you can see who is online
  4. some newborns are not cute...Jadine was deffinately not cute when she was first born. She looked like she was covered in bruises and her face was so swollen she couldnt even open her eyes (thats what she gets for being a big baby and being in a rush to be born lol) She makes up for it now though, she is a stunner
  5. Alice in....Breaking Dawn.... I think its what Alice says to Charlie when she is doing his suit fitting?? (hope thats right!) Who said and which book? Stop blubbering, Bella. You’ll ruin your dress. It’s just me.
  6. This is a huge prize! good luck everyone! x
  7. its in the admin panel so only I get to see it, but I will post an update about this time tomorrow to let you all know how you are getting on
  8. they say these things always happen in threes lol xx
  9. I'm just finishing my porridge (throat is so sore its about all I can eat ) I will be in very, very soon xx
  10. In the UK we can get a 'pay as you go' donggle, so you only pay for it when you use it, there are no monthly charges...maybe that would be better just when you are at your in-laws??
  11. try and come into the chat room hun, you will soon be cheered up in there lol
  12. http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/chatbox/chatbox.forum? click here to get the chat box in a new window...full size
  13. we can all learn together then lol, I havent a clue about it all yet either lol
  14. you can post anywhere in PSFC, doesnt have to be in this thread. At the end of the week the ten people who have posted the most will be put in a draw to win prizes! Just remember no spam
  15. yes hun its started...but there is still plenty of time the top ten will change by the hour...so everyone has a fair chance to win
  16. It depends how much you actually use it hun and what you are using it for. You might find you are restricted when playing games. Plus there is also the worry about the bill every month I love my internet package...its fast, I dont have to worry about how much I'm using, and the bill is always the same everymonth so I dont need to worry about that I know Gaia used to be on a dongle and had loads of problems with broadband usage...maybe ask her for her experience with it as a fellow gamer?
  17. I'm sat here feeling rubbish...still not very well and spent all morning doing ironing (I HATE IRONING!!) and Phoebe has just me feel on top of the world with just one word! She is watching Nick jr while she eats her dinner...and they had this programme about whats people smile, and then at the end they asked...'What makes you smile' and in a very quiet voice Phoebe said 'Mummy'!!! I thought that was sooooooooooo sweet! Ok I know I'm having a proud Mummy moment, but hey....I'm allowed to lol
  18. Yep this has started!! Good luck everyone,cant wait to see who gets into the top ten! I will post updates on the list, but it can change hour, by hour
  19. It will end at midnight (GMT) Tuesday 9th November And will start in just 45 minutes!!!
  20. she loves it! It is great for her confidence, and she is learning loads as well. Shes only been going a few months and already has quite a few badges including her first aid badge, which is always great for kids to have I'm hoping to get Phoebe into Rainbows as soon as she is 5, personally I think it does it them so much good, I'm sure your daughter will love it
  21. I used to use it a lot but tend to use photoshop more these days If you have any specific questions, post away and I will try to help, I know there are others in here who use it as well so will be able to help
  22. I cant wait to see who will get into the top 10! And dont forget all of the top 10 posters will win a prize
  23. We had chicken, new potatoes and veg tonight. Nothing exciting, but dont have a lot of time on tuesdays. Pick Jadine up from school and take her straight to dancing, then pick her up and we have an hour to have tea, get her changed then she is off to Brownies. Things we do for our kids lol
  24. the last chat quizzes were amazing fun! I will try my hardest to make this one too
  25. everyone has a chance to win....you will be suprised just how easy it is to get your post count up lol
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