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Everything posted by lea75

  1. lea75

    my 2nd anniversary

    congratulations hun...and I love your photo, you look lovely together xx
  2. I will do it when I get chance, but it is very time consuming and I dont seem to have a lot of free time at the moment There are always more important things that need doing around the group
  3. lea75

    Kasi's Shop

    I think if the items are no longer avaliable in the shop then kepe them, However if they are items that are still in the shop or in boxes then they should be sold to buy OWO items or items that are about to be removed ..... just my opinion though
  4. I'm sat here waiting for the spoilers of next weeks items to be released, and its suddenly hit me! It's only Wednesday!! I cant believe I got my days mixed up...again! lol Oh well off to do some work now
  5. I only go over there to check for any updates or news so I can relay it in here lol
  6. Attention all Pet Society pet owners! From Thursday 21st October, we're making a change to the ways you can get coins in the game. You can still earn coins in all the usual ways: -selling items -spinning the lottery wheel -washing and visiting pets -racing in the stadium -cooking dishes -selling items that grow in your garden However, if you need to buy extra coins, you can after October 21st do this by redeeming your Playfish Cash balance. Buying coins directly will be discontinued, and there will be a single point of purchase for spending in the game - purchasing Playfish Cash. We hope that these changes will make it simpler to manage your purchases in Pet Society, and that you will continue to enjoy both your cash and coin items! There are members in TOF going off on one over this and I just dont see why! Surely if people had access to paypal/mobile/credit cards to pay for yellow coins then they can just use it to buy cc then either transfer them to yellow coins of trade the cc to get yellow coins?? There is also some (in my opinion) silly people who think that we should be able to transfer 5 cc to 750 yellow coins! So we are meant to buy say a WWF item for 10 cc and then those without cc can buy it for 1,500 coins?? I havent got a clue how they work this rate out, but it is ridiculous! What do you all think of this?
  7. He's nearly 6' and he is only 15. He is so much taller than me now
  8. lea75

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    A group like this will always slow down unless you keep it moving. You have to keep advertising (having it in your siggy in TOF, posting it on your facebook wall) Keep new ideas and games moving at all times. Even if you have your members coming in, if there is nothing for them to post in then they will just go away again. If you want to try giving a major push to excisitng members, if one of you want to write a newsletter then I can send it out to all members.
  9. why not! Halloween fancy dress parties are not always just for scary costumes! This is what my son is dressing up as
  10. lol always worth a try hun x
  11. Why Go A small village situated around a mile from the coast, Luperón appeals to those who want a holiday in the Dominican Republic without the tourist hustle and bustle. A holiday to Luperón provides all the peace you need to enjoy a relaxing break, with everything you would ever want provided in the all-inclusive hotel backing onto the beach. Ciudad Marina - or Marina City - is where most of the tourist amenities can be found. Puerto Blanco Marina and the Luperón Marina and Yacht Club attract yachting enthusiasts, who when they’re not cruising the Caribbean waters, are supping rum in one of the marina bars. If you know where to look, you can certainly find some lively bars, hidden in the town or tucked away by the marina on your Luperón holiday. The actual town of Luperón, quaintly rural, boasts daily markets, a variety of stores, a couple of discos, and two ice cream parlours. The locals embrace tourism and have typically friendly Dominican demeanours. Luperón and surrounding area of Puerto Blanco are popular destinations for British expats (or Gringos!) - due to the relaxed and uncomplicated way of life - not to mention the bright Caribbean holiday sun. Occupying the eastern half of the isle of Hispaniola, the Dominican Republic holidays enjoy year-round sunshine, some of the best beaches in the Caribbean and a lush interior. Found it! This is where we went
  12. shouldnt we be worried about some strage bloke offering our pets food? lol
  13. ermmmmmmmmmmmm You'll have to ask Kasi...she;s better at remembering the names lol
  14. I got married in the dominican republic...just thought I would share that with you
  15. My children have just told me I'm disgusting for dipping my mint matchmakers into my wine, but to me that is the only way to eat them! I've been doing this for 18 years and I'm not going to stop now In case you dont know, mint matchmakers are sticks of mint flavoured chocolate mmmmmmmmm Do any of you have weird food combernations that you eat/drink??
  16. the links are in the first post...just click on either window essentials or malawarebytes in bold and it will open the link for you x
  17. so did I hun, and they were run very regularaly as well...yet this still got past
  18. even paypal can be hacked though hun...they can use it to transfer money anywhere they want to I just dont want anyone else to ever have to go through what I've been through....which is why I've posted this
  19. I always thought I was internet safe, I was running AVG anti-virus as well as Malawarebytes anti-malaware...well guess what? I wasnt! Yesterday I found out someone had accessed my internet banking and taken every penny I had! They had transfered all my money to themselves. The bank are onto it, they have locked my internet banking and they will refund my money within 24 hours. Its just the thought that this has happened, that someone was able to get past my internet security and gain access to my bank details. You cannot imagine the panic I was in I spoke to my Uncle who works in internet security and he recommended using Windowns security essential for anti-virus and Malawarebytes for anti-malaware/anti-spyware. After downloading and running windows security essentials I found a trojan on my pc that AVG had missed Please, please, please be careful with your internet security. Make sure you have an up to date anti-virus and anti-malaware...make sure it is updated regularaly and you scan daily! Read up on anti-virus programmes. Just because your's was the best anti-virus when you put it on your pc, it doesnt mean it is still the best protection now. Never click on links from emails...unless you personally know the person who sent it to you. Be very careful what you download, especially if it is an exe file as this are executable file, and are designed to run something on your pc. Be wary of what sites you visit..you can get a virus from some. All in all, please be careful, if in doubt...log out!
  20. lea75

    Happy Saturday!

    Morning everyone! It is fabulous to wake up to the sun shining! I'm taking my girls on the train to Birmingham today. I've only been once before, so a little nervous about it as its huge and there are loads of people in there, but my youngest really wants to go on a train. Plus I might finally get some ideas for Christmas lol What you all up to today?
  21. Denali covern added to first post...sorry guys
  22. petling food is still there, but its now under magic food now for some reason...dont know where all the potions have gone now though
  23. not sure yet Kivie, but I will try and find out and update the first post when I find out
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