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Everything posted by lea75

  1. just double checked hun incase they had bought it back out in a revival box..but it cant be gifted
  2. red panda doll was a free gift and the shell folding screen and valentine plushie were a cah coin item, so these cant be gifted hun...sorry xx sent you a tasmanian devil and wooden framed artwork xxx
  3. I guess they cannot please everyone all of the time You can guarantee that everyone has had weeks where they dont like the theme, well I know there are loads of themes that I havent liked lol I suppose that at least the vampire theme fits in with the halloween items...I think they over did the pumpkins with the last years items, so personally I'm glad to not see to many of those this year (you can guarantee what next weeks theme will be now lol) And before anyone thinks I'm only saying this as I'm a twilight fan, I'm not...I dont actually like any of the Twilight items they've bought out lol
  4. it does seem strange that they would make it not giftable Hope they get it fixed before the cc limited edition comes out or there will be a lot of dissapointed people
  5. bless ya! It is exciting...I have competed 2 of mine now. Love heart cherries and enchanted cherries What is your collection?
  6. lea75

    Happy Tuesday!

    Morning! I have another day of looking after a grumpy poorly Phoebe...shes's still not well, bless her! Apart from that its just houseword as usual Hope you all have a good day xx
  7. http://www.beaconradio.co.uk/Article.asp?id=1982505 I cant find anything on 5 fires, but this is bad enough! Where the schools on the same site? Reading that new article it seems that one school was used (1,100 pupils) while the other one was empty....still looks really bad though
  8. unfortunately because we all have more 'stuff' in our chest I think PS it getting slow for us all I think chrome is the fastest to use for PS...but that is a personal choice. Apart from that clear your cache, and clear the memory that PS is using on your PC....cant remember how to do it off the top of my head, but I'll look into it soon...I know Lucky strike knows how to do it as well
  9. I think there is a huge difference though between not saying things, and lying. for instance: If you see a close friend wearing a top which looks awful on them, yet they really like it...then saying nothing is not lying or being deceitful, you are just not saying anything. Yet if they ask for your advice on the top then I think there is a way of not lying yet still not hurting them...i.e. I prefer your black top, it looks amazing on you. Imagine if you said you loved it then they went out and had nasty comments because of the top? They could blame you for saying it looked nice and not being truthful. Sorry babbling now lol...as a parent I think I have a very stict view on lying...I wont put up with it at all from my kids. If they do something wrong and then lie about it, not only will they be punished for whatever the incident was but they will have an extra punishment on top for lying as well
  10. I've just bought some cash coins using paypal. Everything went fine with paypal, but now I cant get back into PS! I am so bloody annoyed My coins had better be there when I get back in!
  11. everyone makes mistakes, it is always the best thing to do to tell the truth about them straight away, otherwise when the truth comes out (and it always does seem to lol) the other person will be more hurt by the lies than by the mistake you made xx
  12. New competitions have been added to the frightfest section, so make sure you check them out! Plus more comps will be added over the next few days...all new comps are in green so you can spot them easily Plus last weeks PS lottery was not won, so it is a rollover!! The prize pot is even bigger this week, deffinately worth having a go...especially as its free lol
  13. Morning! My youngest is still not very well and has had another bad night I'm taking her to the doctors shortly, and so hoping they can do something to help her Apart from that I cant see me getting a lot done today...just the basic housework jobs, and playing around in here of course lol
  14. We are not huge fans of Halloween here...I do enjoy decorationg the house, and love to see the girls dressed up though...but we dont go trick or treating we just do some fun games together...sad I know lol @Kivie... Huge hugs to you hun xxx
  15. Hi Shirley! Welcome back hun..so good to see you I have been keeping an eye on your Jessies facebook page for updates on Elias..I really do hope for all your sakes that the next lot of test results come back with good results for you, that poor little baby has been through way too much already I'm still a PS addict, feel free to re-add me xx
  16. looks like an amazing day hun...That is my type of day out, unfortunately its not something that would keep my kids entertained though
  17. Have you realised what todays date is? 10.10.10 Just thought I'd share lol x
  18. I dont think it is in ruins, at least not from looking at the photos. They even host weddings there, the rooms they use look amazing!
  19. lea75

    It's Sunday!!!

    I feel totally shattered today My youngest is not very well, and so we havent had a lot of sleep last night. Today I have to go to do my weekly food shopping and then do the ironing so the kids all have thier uniforms ready for the morning..and I think I might try and squeeze a nap in there somewhere as well lol @Tromo, I havent read Heidi for years! I think I'm going to try and find it for my daughter to read, I think she will like it now @Chiaretta..have a wonderful meal hun, hope you enjoy spending some time with your family x
  20. Oh my goodness!! Think thats the earliest I've ever seen you post hun lol Smorkle, this is warwick castle x
  21. I would love to have a lazy day..but there always seems to be too much to do
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